Chapter 29

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Soundwave stood before them, silent as ever and not moving as the groundbridge closed behind him. He looked out at the scene in front of him, the vehicon and girl meters away, the Autobots and Decepticons fighting each other and most of all, Shockwave and Predaking standing away from the battle.

'So, you finally decided to show up,' Steve said with a grin, 'I thought you were always on time, Sounders but I'm glad you joined the party."

The navy mech's head snapped around and looked at the vehicon with a cold stare. 'What? Gonna actually do something or are you just gonna stand there like a weirdo?' 'You do know we're trying to help him, not fight him.' Jennifer said, raising an eyebrow up at the bot.

'I know, but there is going to need to be some teasing so he will actually get close to us.' Steve muttered, looking down at her briefly and keeping his guns raised.

The standoff lasted for a few minutes, both bots not moving an inch as they waited for the other to make a move.

'Oh come at me already!' The vehicon yelled and brandished his guns at the navy mech.

Soundwave obeyed, only quicker than they expected. Steve yelped and tried shooting warning shots at him as he came at them, low to the ground and claws bared.

'Oh scrap,' Steve cried just as Soundwave straightened up right in front of the mech, bringing his fist up with him and punching the vehicon in the jaw, making him stumble back.

The slender mech then took no time following him backward and kicking him in the chest, sending him flying and also causing Jennifer to be knocked off of his shoulder.

She yelled in pain as she hit the dirt and rolled for a few meters. Everything ached as she gingerly got onto her hands and knees, her left eye blocked by a slow stream of blood that flowed into it from a cut that went through her eyebrow. A multitude of scrapes and bruises littered her limbs and her hoodie and jeans were torn.

She looked up to see Steve getting absolutely demolished by Soundwave, taking hit after hit and not even landing any of his own as he was forced to defend himself.

The Decepticon slashed at him and used his tentacles to trip and throw the drone, making him go hurling across the field and slamming heavily into the dirt.

'STEVE!' Jen yelled and scrambled to her feet, wincing a bit at the pain but going forward nonetheless, wanting to reach her friend. She kneeled down and put a hand on his head.

He groaned, trying to lift himself up but was unable to. Energon was flowing freely from a cut on his chest and it looked like he had an arm and a leg broken, 'I'm fine.' He mumbled but fell back down while his limbs creaked and groaned.

The girl gasped and turned as Soundwave advanced over to them, the air around him dark as his sharp digits dripping blue, ready to deliver the final blow to the traitor. Jennifer's eyes widened but her hands tightened on his helm before she quickly got up.

She stood in front of Steve, her arms spread as Soundwave approached. He looked down on her as if she was nothing more than an insignificant creature.

He raised his hand, prepared to strike as he looked her dead in the eye, no form of recognition crossing his mind. Jennifer closed her eyes but didn't move, waiting for the pain to come as Soundwave lunged forward at her.

But seconds passed and nothing happened.

'Jennifer,' Steve whispered from behind her, 'Look.' Cautiously, she opened her eyes. They then widened when they fell on Soundwave. He was in the same striking position, with the same intent on killing her only...

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