Chapter 10

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This one's gonna be a bit longer than the rest :)

'This is...' Nicholas said, 'This is amazing! I can't believe we finally get to meet you!' 'Yeah, we saw the fight last night.' Michael said, 'You guys were awesome!' 'Nothing to it kid.' Bulkhead replied, giving him a thumbs up.

'I must also thank you for assisting Arcee.' Optimus said, 'It was quite impressive you managed to fire that gun. She would be in a much worse condition if you hadn't taken down Starscream.' 'That the one with the heels?' Jennifer asked. 'Yeah,' Arcee smiled. 'He's second in command to the Decepticons.' 

'So what and who are you guys?' Nick asked, 'We know you're aliens but where did you come from?'

'We are sentient robotic organisms from the planet Cyberton.' Optimus explained. 'Our race is known as Cybertronians but in the last several million stellar cycles, a war has raged and we have been dived into two side.'

'Autobots and Decepticons.' Jennifer guessed. Optimus nodded, 'The Autobots seek to stop them at all costs but sadly, my team is all that remains on Earth.' He said, 'We are all that stand between them and your planet.'

'I am the leader of the Autobot resistance. Bumblebee there is the scout of the team and Rafael's guardian.' Bee buzzed and beeped, waving at them. 'What happened to his voice?' Mike asked, 'Can't he spea- oof!' 'Oi!' Jennifer whispered, elbowing him.

'His voice was taken by the Decepticons leader.' the white mech said, 'It is beyond our repair.' 'But that doesn't stop him from being an awesome bot!' Raf said and high-fived his guardian.

'Bulkhead is an ex-wrecker. He is the muscle of the team and Miko's guardian.' Optimus continued. 'He's really good at smashing things!' Miko said, punching the air.

'And Arcee is Jack's?' Jennifer guessed. 'Yes, she is a brave and strong warrior. A stealthy asset to our team.' 'And a fast one.' Jack grinned. 'And that's...?' Mike asked, pointing at the last bot. 'Our medic, Ratchet.' Ratchet looked at them and simply nodded. 'He's a grumpy one.' Miko whispered to them.

'But, why do the Decepticons want Earth?' Nicholas suddenly asked, 'What was wrong with Cyberton?' Arcee sighed, 'They wanted control over the supply of energon.' 'It is out lifeblood.' Ratchet explained. 'Is that those blue crystals we saw?' Nick frowned.

The Prime nodded, 'We fought bravely, but one of my most best allies lost his way and rose up to become their leader. Megatron is now our greatest enemy and seeks complete control over this planet. We have found it is one of the few rich in energon.'

'So, it was a good thing we shot at them?' Nick asked. 'Yes.' The bot smiled, 'We were able to secure a plenty full supply after you divided them between the buildings.' 'Not intentional but it worked out well.' Michael grinned.

'I would like to know,' Ratchet said as he came over, 'How did you even manage to start up that gun. Vehicon weapons immediately power down after they're killed.'

'We didn't do it by ourselves.' Jennifer smiled, 'We had some... small help, if you will.' She pointed down to her pocket where Soundwave's and Laserbeak's small heads were just visible, peeking above the seams. Michael pulled his collar down to expose Shockwave, who's red eye stared up at the bots. Nicholas bumped the bottom of his hood and Predaking popped out, resting his head and front paws on the teens shoulder.

'By the Allspark.' Ratchet said and leaned down, 'It is true.' 'Told ya!' Miko yelled. Soundwave lifted himself up so his entire chest was out the pocket. A smiley face appeared on his visor and he waved at the larger bot. Shockwave stood and waved as well while leaning on Mike's cheek and Predaking and Laserbeak chirped.

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