Chapter 16

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Nicholas sat with the other three kids in the human area. He was finishing up some homework he had while Predaking watched and tried to help from his shoulder. Zum bum King said, pointing out a mistake I made. 'Thanks, buddy.' The teen said and let his little friend. On the couch next to him sat Miko while Jack and Raf sat on a couch across from them.

His attention turned when Optimus walked in. 'You wanted to see me, old friend?' He asked, walking over to Ratchet who was working by the computer. 'We seem to have a problem Optimus, regarding a source I just picked up.' He replied and pulled up a screen.

'I had hope that my growing expertise on the subject would remain purely academic,' He started, 'But though faint, this is clearly a dark energon signature. And it's moving fast.' 'Megatron.' Optimus said behind him.

Nick put his book down and leaned on the back of the couch, listing to the conversation as the other three bots walked in.

'Where'd he find more of the bad stuff?' Arcee asked. 'And what's he gonna do with it?' Bulkhead added, 'Recruit a new army of the undead?' 

'Zombie cons?' Miko asked excitedly, turning away from her drawing and whipping around excitedly. The boy readied himself in case she did one of her famous escape attempts. 'We cannot rule out the possibility.' Optimus said, rubbing his chin. 'Especially since Megatron seems to be heading to a familiar sight.'

Nick raised an eyebrow as he got up and went over to the railing, looking at its location. 'What's so familiar about it?' He asked. 

'It is the Decepticon, Skyquake's grave.' Optimus said gravely, 'I buried him there myself.' 'Oh', Nick looked down and brought his hand up to his mouth, deep in thought. 'You don't think he'd be trying to revive Skyquake do you?' He asked, 'I mean, he's Dreadwing's twin right? That con's already pretty strong by himself but the two of them could be quite powerful together.'

'Either one of these seems pretty bad.' Bumblebee said. 'Megatron has barely emerged from stasis and it seems he's already making up for lost time.' Optimus said, 'Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, prepare to roll out.'

'Me?' Ratchet asked. 'We are dealing with dark energon.' The Prime said, 'I may well require your expertise. Arcee.' 'Bridge operator.' She finished, 'Got it.' And walked over to the controls.

'What I wouldn't give to be a transformer.' Nick sighed to Predaking as he leaned on the rails and watched them get ready. Tum bum the mech said, patting his cheek.

'Go get 'em Bulkhead.' Miko said, weirdly unenthusiastic, 'Bring the hurt.' All the teens turned and looked at her, confused. 'That's a new one.' Nicholas mumbled. Jack leaned forward on his knees and Raf eyed Miko.

'That's not like Miko to not wanna go.' Jack said. 'She's definitely up to something.' Raf said. 'Keep an eye on her King.' Nick said to his bot who nodded and closely watched the girl.

The teen's attention turned when Arcee started up the groundbridge and the bots transformed and drove through. He watched them go but jumped when Predaking yelled, Bum Zum! 'Making a break!' Jack called.

He turned just in time for Miko to rush past him. He lunged but missed as she dodged and jumped down the stairs, the three boys running after her. Nick panted as he sped up and Predaking took to the air, flying to Miko and pulling her back.

He caught up and grabbed her arm, desperately looking back at Arcee, too preoccupied with the bridge to see them. 'It's not safe!' Jack said as he reached them, making Nick turn. Miko took the opportunity to break free.

'I'm not gonna miss my first zombie con throwdown!' She yelled and ran through. 'Miko!' Jack yelled. 'We're gonna have to go get her, aren't we?' Raf asked. 'On the possibility of her getting smashed, definitely.' Nick said and they went off after her.

Palm-sized TIC (Transformers Prime fan fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن