Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV:

Soundwave observed from his perch as the bakkie rode through the town and pulled into a drive through. The car stopped as the father leaned out and started ordering. The slim mech took that chance to leave.

He propelled down and ran behind a sign, peeking out. The street wasn't very busy, seeing as it was about 5:00pm according to his visor. The small bot cautiously made his way around the building to the back. He came to the back door and saw a large pile of boxes and bags all leaning against the high wall.

He started climbing over them, thinking he could get a better vantage point from the peak. He made his way over piles of trash, jumping to avoid spilled garbage. He was almost at the top when the door to the restaurant next to him opened up. Soundwave ducked into a box as a black haired teen trudged out, grumbling while he hauled trash bags towards the pile.

"Stupid garbage duty." He muttered and heaved the trash on top. The disturbance caused the top of the pile to shift and a couple boxes, including the one that contained Soundwave, to come tumbling down.

The boy, who had been walking away, turned as a shrill beeep came from the falling stack. He walked back and picked his way through them, looking for the source of the sound. The small Decepticon froze as the teen got closer to where he was concealed.

The human grabbed the box and as he lifted it, Soundwave quickly darted to another close by. The boy looked in the box and then threw it back on the pile before standing up.

"Must be dreaming." He said shaking his head, "I've been spending too much time with the bots." With that he went back in the restaurant. The small bot cautiously peeked out and looked around. No one was there so he ran to the benches.

He ducked under on and heavily sat down, still a bit shaken after that encounter. He leaned back against the metal and began to wonder if he should have stayed with those giant robots. He sat up and shook his helm, dismissing that thought. He probably would have been crushed by now if he'd stayed.

He let out a small vent and tried to think of what to do next. Laserbeak chirped so he let the minicon out to which he hovered a bit before settling down on Soundwave's lap, clicking contently as his master pet him.

His helm shot up when he heard the sound of walking and looked over too see a man with a big, black dog on a leash coming towards them. He shoved Laserbeak back on his chassis and hid behind the pole of the chair.

The man sat down, too distracted by his phone to notice the small bot under the bench but dog however, spotted him immediately. It barked and strained against the leash, trying to reach the small con. "Woah Rex," The man yelled, trying to restrain his dog, "What's gotten into you?"

It lunged again, this time almost taking off Soundwave's helm. He beeped and stumbled back, his little spark hammering in his chest. He looked around wildly and ran for the road as the mutt continued to howl after him, his owner dragging him away.

The threat was gone but Soundwave continued running, wanting to get as far away as possible. He ran into the road and onto the first lane.

He was halfway across but the roar of an engine and a bright headlight made him freeze as the front wheel of the motorbike came straight for him.


"You're kidding right?" a 16 year old boy with messy brown hair asked. He stood on the side of the large field, baseball bat over his shoulder and hand on his hip as his sister stood in front of him. "Sorry Mike but I can't watch the end of the game." She apologized.

"Why?" Another boy with dark brown curly hair said as he came over. He was also in a baseball outfit. "I gotta study Nick." She said. He grinned and rolled his eyes, "Right." Nicholas mocked, "Studying for a test that's in two weeks."

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