Chapter 28

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'Everyone ready to kick some con aft and get our friends back?' Steve grinned, looking at the bots and the kids on their shoulders.

'Born ready!' Michael grinned, both him and Greg punching their fists. Silverknight walked over and kneeled down by Ratchet who was working on a device, putting Nicholas on the ground, 'Are you sure this is going to work?' He asked, 'I would hate to have wasted a whole week of preparation for this to fail.'

'Trust me.' Ratchet said, smiling up at them and letting Nick step into his hand and sit on his shoulder, 'This won't fail. I have no doubt that if we send all our troops out now, Megatron will have no choice but to retaliate the same way.'

'If they do attack, it is most likely Soundwave and Shockwave will most likely be the last to come,' Steve said, 'We'd need something to draw them out onto the field otherwise this might make things a bit more difficult.' 'Don't worry, I've planned for all of that.' Ratchet said, 'It's only to be used as a backup though.'

'I hope you are right, old friend.' Optimus said, his face mask going up as the others all stood there, weapons drawn and ready for the Decepticons, 'For this may just be the very battle that decides the fate of both our worlds.'

Ultra Magnus walked over to him and looked at the Prime, 'Optimus, are you sure about this?' He asked, 'A battle of this proportion will wipe out the last Autobot resistance.'

'Or it will bring us triumph,' Their leader said, looking over at the vehicons and the three children, 'But I am concerned for them the most. The tide of this battle will be decided by them and their ability to bring Soundwave and the others back.'

'We trust you, Optimus, and we will follow you to the ends of the universe.' Arcee said. He nodded and smiled at them, 'Let this be the end.' He said, ushering the vehicons behind them with the kids.

He walked up to Ratchet and nodded to him, the medic leaning down and activating the device before he stood up and quickly retreated behind the group, giving the boy back to Silverknight.

'So, any idea how long it will take them to arrive?' Smokescreen asked after a few minutes, looking around unsurely as he stood next to Bumblebee, both slightly turned and ready to defend each other. 'Probably not long knowing Soundwave.' Greg said.

As if on time, a groundbridge opened up opposite them. 'Everyone, on your ready and in your pairs!' Optimus commanded as they all stood in a ready stance.

They watched as the Decepticons walked out. Megatron led them, followed by Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown, Dreadwing, and scores of vehicons. Nicholas and Michael leaned forward hopefully when they saw Predaking and Shockwave come out but Soundwave was nowhere to be seen.

'Optimus, how foolish of you to bring all that's left of your pitiful army just for one relic.' He said, looking at the device by their pedes. Optimus stood his ground and raised his sword, pointing it at the warlord, 'This battle is not about the relic,' He said, 'It is about so much more.'

'Then it will be for nothing! Kill them and the traitors, but leave Optimus to me!' The gray mech yelled and brandished his hand at the Autobots, making the Decepticons start shooting at them, a few vehicons running in, 'This will be the end of the Autobots and you will watch!'

'Everyone! Now!' Optimus shouted, causing the bots to split up and run at them. In turn, it made the Decepticons run in different directions as well, going after them and making them spread out across the battlefield.

The usual pairs teamed, Bumblebee against Knockout, Bulkhead against Breakdown, Arcee against Starscream and Optimus and Ratchet against Megatron and Dreadwing. Shockwave was trying to shoot Smokescreen as the rookie yelled at and called him names as he danced around and Ultra Magnus fought against Predaking not too far away. The vehicons went in between them and shot at the bots, only to be taken down by Steve and Greg, the two running around the field in their alt modes and tripping the drones while Silver went and shot whoever he could, eventually going and helping Magnus.

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