Chapter 8

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'Jennifer and Michael, if you two could see me after class?' The teacher asked as the bell rang. The twins exchanged uneasy glances while Nick gave a worried look before he was shooed out the classroom. Only Jack remained because he'd spilled one of the vials and was cleaning it up.

'And just what do you two have there?' The teacher asked and pointed at their pockets. Jennifer felt her stomach drop at those words. Both of them had thought they'd not been seen but apparently, nothing got past Mr. Laverick.

The trio had decided to bring the bots to the school in hopes of teaching them more about everyday human activities. Soundwave would quietly listen from Jen's pocket while Predaking just ended up sleeping in the front pocket of Nicholas's bag. Unfortunately, Shockwave seemed unable to sit still for long periods of time, leading to him trying to call Soundwave, which lead to the twins trying to silence them and getting caught.

Mike tried his best to hold his composure as they bought out the bots. Luckily the two seemed to know what to do in this situation so instead on tiny robots, there was now a tiny drone and tank on the desk.

'And would you two kindly explain why you bought your toys to school. I've never even seen ones that look like this. I'm surprised kids your age even play with these anymore.' Mr Lave said leaning on his hands. 'Well you see sir,' Jennifer said, trying to think of a convincing excuse, 'They have a lot of meaning to us.'

Their teacher raised an eyebrow, 'Oh?' He asked, 'How so?' 'Our grandfather gave them to us, we were close. He was a welder.' Mike said, 'He crafted all sorts of things and made these to give to us on our 12th birthday. They're special cause they're the last things he ever gave us. A couple days after, he had a heart attack and died a day later.'

Jennifer gave a sad internal smile, knowing that this story wasn't actually fake, just tweaked a bit. It was true their grandfather was a welder and that he gave them toys but soon died. The only difference was, the ones he gave them were mini animals. Mike got T-Rex while Jennifer got an owl. Also, they were at home, neither wanting to risk bringing them to school.

'And you take these everywhere with you?' Mr. Laverick asked, picking up Shockwave and examining him. 'Yes sir.' Jen replied, somewhat confident. He sighed and set the tank down, 'I'll let you two off the hook for now but please, refrained from bringing them out in class.' He asked, 'I'll allow you to keep them with you, IF they stay out of sight.'

Both nodded seriously and picked the Waves up, hurriedly stuffing them in their pockets and going to the door. 'Oh and Harts?' Their teacher asked as Mike put his hand on the doorknob. 'I suggest you heed my advice and apply it in all your classes. Other teachers may not be as lenient as me.' He smiled and waved.

The two did the same and walked out. Jennifer noticed out of the corner of her eye, Jack briefly looking over at them before quickly turning his attention back to the broken glass. She narrowed her eyes before walking out, where Nick was waiting.

'Too flipping close.' Michael breathed out as they walked down the corridor. 'I might've taken more serious measures if I knew you were going to be this antsy.' He said and poked the small lump at the bottom of his pocket. He got a muffled, apologetic Thrum brum in response.

'You're lucky King's asleep half the time.' He said as they entered the next class. 'Eh,' Nick shrugged, 'He seems to sleep for a while and them become really active.' 'You know you'll have to gather info on him from a whole week.' Jennifer said, sitting down, 'Not just a couple of nights.'

So Nicholas's parents had been a bit skeptical at first when he'd shown them the alien dragon he'd found but they had managed to be convinced that he could keep Predaking on the condition Nick looked after and cared for him. 

Palm-sized TIC (Transformers Prime fan fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu