Chapter 5

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'You found a WHAT?!' Nick yelled, almost dropping his phone in surprise. 'Shhhh.' Jennifer said, clapping a hand over his mouth, 'Keep it down will ya?' Nick pulled her hand down, 'Sorry.' He apologized, 'It's just not every day your friends say they found and are keeping a sentient robot.' 

The three of them were sitting outside as school had just let out. It was Monday so no one had any activities. It had also been a few days now since Jennifer had found Soundwave and Laserbeak.

The twins had decided to wait till the end of the first day to tell their friend because he'd been away on Friday and the weekend. Now, they were sitting on the steps and giving him a rundown of what had happened.

'But it's pretty cool right?' Mike asked him. He'd been bouncing up and down the whole morning, almost unable to wait to tell Nicholas. 'He has a mask and these cool tentacles. OH! And he even has a pet.'

'I think Laserbeak's more of a familiar or symbiote.' Jennifer said. 'He attaches to Soundwave's chest.' 'Soundwave? Did you name him?' Nick asked. 'Nope, he told us.' She said smiling. Nicholas just raised an eyebrow, 'Riiiiiiight.'

'Well you can come and meet him.' Mike offered and stood up, 'We don't have any homework right?' 'Why not?' Nick grinned. Mike cheered and jumped the last few steps before running to the parking lot. 'We'd better catch up before he gets too far.' Jennifer said and the two friends gathered their bags and went after him.

Michael turned a corner but bumped into someone, 'Sorry.' He apologized and tried to go around them. Suddenly, he was thrown against the wall by an orange haired boy who held his shirt in a fist.

'You should watch where you walk.' He growled. Mike glared and held the other teens arm, 'If I knew it was you Vince, I would've gone around the block. Didn't know your massive head would be blocking this path.' Vince snarled and raised his fist.

'Woah Woah Woah!' Nick yelled as he ran towards them, Jennifer behind him. 'Vince, drop him!' He said sternly. 'And who are you to tell me what to do?' The bully asked. 'I'm the guy who's gonna kick your behind into next week if you don't let my friend go.' Nick threatened.

The guys around him stepped back and even Vince lessened his grip. Everyone knew Nicholas always scored high on the physical tests and wasn't afraid to engage in hand to hand combat. It also helped that his cousin had taught him a few tricks after coming back from three years in the army. 

'Now scram!' He shouted and advanced. 'He's not worth my time.' The ginger snarled and pushed Mike away. He stumbled but was caught by his twin. 'Jerk.' He muttered and rightened himself.

'Ignore him.' Jennifer said, 'He's not someone worth wasting energy on.' 'Like I can.' Her brother scoffed, 'It's hard to ignore someone when you can spot their ego a mile away. He's lucky I didn't have practice today. I would've rammed my bat so far up his-'

'And that's our cue to go.' Nick interrupted and begun steering him away. 'What?' Michael questioned, 'I was going to say "nose".' Jennifer rolled her eyes and went after them.

'Still don't get how that clod hasn't been expelled yet.' Mike said after a couple blocks of walking. 'More than once he's beat up kids and I've seen his gang hanging around dodgy areas and smoking.'

'You really don't know when to drop a subject do you?' His friend asked wearily. Michael shrugged, 'I like to rant.' He said, 'It fulfills me.' 'Sometimes I wonder how we're related.' Jen sighed. 'Hey.' Her twin said and nudged her arm, 'You know you can't live without me.'

They approached their house, watching cars drive past as they walked. 'Huh. Isn't that Jack?' Nicholas asked suddenly. The two turned and saw where he was looking. Jack was on his motorcycle but rode right past his house. They usually wouldn't have questioned it if he wasn't being followed by a yellow Camaro and a green SUV and if they weren't all headed in the direction of the highway.

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