~~~Chapter 37:Training & Party~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
I'm sitting on my ass breathing heavy with Anna & Rose both taking ah break.We've been working on my control over my new Holy abilities and have learned a few interesting things....Such as due to unknown reasons,but likely tied to the same reason as my wings change I'm A LOT more resistant to Holy & Light Magic.I've gotten pretty good with my Holy Fire and Light Weapons so far.Anyways I look over at Rose & Anna"It's actually pretty impressive they  can keep up with me".
Zarathos:"Well Azazel did pick them to help you train,so it's not hard to believe they could keep up."
Rose:*Tired*Damn Eien(I look at her)....how....the hell......do you still....have...energy....left?
Me:Just got ah lot of stamina.
Anna:*Tired*Starting to understand how you got a harem now.
[I shrug]
Rose:*Tired*But still you've made ah lot of progress.
Anna:*Tired*You're definitely worthy of being called a 'Ultimate-Class Devil' considering you could probably smack the shit out of both are Dads fairly easily.
Rose:....Uncle Raph is gonna be pissed hearing how strong you are.
Zarathos:Tell Raph if he wants to try again,to come get it.

[She nods]
Me:Well this should be interesting.
[Rose & Anna giggle while Zarathos chuckles,I sigh and we start training with my Holy & Light Magic]

I'm back at the house,today's the day of the training and dear fucking God....the others have gone mad.Most of them powered up ah pretty good amount,but Alex has created something that is so ridiculously fucking awesome yet so fucking crazy that I don't honestly know how to describe it.Right now tho I'm just getting ready,I'm wearing a suit to the party and Rias's Mom agreed to watch Ellie for us while we're their since she and Millicas have been getting along.She was the one watching her while we were training so she's good with it.Crona's coming with us cause apparently he and Gasper were training to overcome their timidness......Tho I and everyone else are also waiting for them to come out as a couple cause it's about as obvious as me when I have my fly down.
Me:"So any tips you can give me on Odin,Freya,and Thor Zarathos?"
Zarathos:"Hmm....well Odin is a lot like Azazel while Freya's kinda like a combination between Grayfia and Rias."
Me:"So Odin's ah perverted old man who knows when to get serious and doesn't want to have ta deal with dipshits,while Freya's nice and kind while also not afraid of snapping off on your ass & is scary when angry?"
Me:"What about Thor?"
Zarathos:"......He's like a fusion between you and Vali"
Me:"So a alcoholic badass who has a hard on for fighting,sexy ladies,and gives no fucks about squaring up with ah motherfucker who's talking shit?"
Zarathos:"Dead on"
Me:"......Alright then"
[I head out of the room,before going down the hall and arriving at the living room seeing everyone.Koneko & Gasper are here to since Koneko was training with Kuroka and Gasper just wanted to stay with Crona]
Sam:Hey Eien.
Kate:So you ready?
Me:Yeah,let's ah go.
[They nod and we all head off thru a magic circle,appearing in a hallway before entering a room with a lot of Devils.We walk around for a bit before finding Rias and Sona with their teams]

Rias:*Smiles*Oh hello everyone how was your training?
Me:*Shrug*Pretty good Alex came up with some crazy bullshittery that even I don't how fuck he did it,everyone made leaps in their power,and I was training with Azazel & Michael's daughters.
[Their surprised]
Sona:*Surprised*You were training with Azazel and Lord Michael's daughters?
Akeno:*Surprised*Do you mean Annabella?
Me:.....You know her?(She nods)Hmm well yeah she and Rose are pretty cool.....tho there was one thing....
Kiba:*Curious*What was it?
Me:According to them their Dads set them up as my trainers cause they think that we'll get together.(Their surprised)Yeah don't ask me I was just as surprised as y'all.
[They nod and then we head off to the room with the younger devils]
Rias:Hopefully nothing bad happens.
Sona:A bunch of young hormonal devils crammed into one room.
Me:Eh nothing a bitch slap can't fix.
[They sweat drops and then I hear something immediately sprouting my wings and shielding everyone just as the wall is blasted out.Their surprised]
Josh:Nice catch.
Zarathos:Seems your senses have also been enhanced.

~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Male OC X Highschool DxD X Harem}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon