~~Chapter 46:Family,Rescue & Wrath~~

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(Integra's Pov)
Eien and the others just left,I can everyone that is confused....
Lilith:Integra(I look at her)who is this Sophia?
Me:She's a young child who lives at the Orphanage,she's currently four years old.
[Their surprised]
Alucard:We may need to go make sure those kids don't nuke Chicago.
[Everyone looks even more surprised and those of us that understand the seriousness of the situation nod]
Balalaika:Annabella is like a older sister to them,she took care of them,and was the closest thing that had as a mother during that time.(They look at her)And when she or any child is threatened them those six won't hesitate to go on a rampage to find whoever did so.
Hades:Then let's go.
[We all nod]

(Eien's Pov)
Me and the others are heading to the orphanage,as we see it I notice some cops in front.They see us and immediately get serious.....
Officer 1:*Serious*Hold it you kids aren't....
[I grab him by the heads and throw him out of the way sending him into a cop car significantly denting the door.The other officers are frozen in fear and we head inside seeing a detective we all know along with Big Sis......]

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[We all go wide eyed seeing Big Sis seeing she has a black eye,a broken nose,and a busted lip]All of Us:*Concerned*Big Sis![She looks at us and we go up to her]Anna:

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[We all go wide eyed seeing Big Sis seeing she has a black eye,a broken nose,and a busted lip]
All of Us:*Concerned*Big Sis!
[She looks at us and we go up to her]
Me:I know,new look,long story,now what happen,who did this?
John:They're a new gang trying to form a foothold in the city(We look at him),they call themselves 'The Band of Fourteen Devils'.(He holds out a piece of paper,I take it)That's the address of their base.
Kana:Thanks Pops.
[He nods and then we hear the door open,we look and see the others all coming into the room.They look at us and then Mom & Dad come up to me]
Mom:Is this Anna sweetheart?
[I nod and Dad looks at her,he snaps his fingers and she shimmers silver as her injures are healed.We're surprised and Big Sis & Pops looks at him wide eyed]
Dad:Eien(I look at him)we'll stay here to keep everyone safe,while you and your team go deal with those mongrels & save that child.
[We're surprised and I smile]
Me:*Smiles*Thanks Mom,Thanks Dad.
[They smile and nod as we head out,our adopted family comes with us and once we exit we see a guy coming up to the orphanage.

[They smile and nod as we head out,our adopted family comes with us and once we exit we see a guy coming up to the orphanage

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