~~~{Chapter Fourteen:Victory Party & Stupid Phenex}~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
I'm getting dressed in a suit that Rias's family got me,tonight is our victory party for beating the shit out of the chicken.Apparently after the fight even Sirzechs was kinda shitting himself about my power,especially when I took Zarathos's form.But to be fair....he is pretty intimidating.I mentioned what Sirzechs told me to Rias and she was surprised,but also understood.When I promised to stay ah friend & ally to her,she smiled and thanked me.As I'm getting dress their's a knock on the door.
Me:Come in!
[The door opens revealing Issei & Kiba in suits]
Kiba:Hey Eien.
Issei:We came ta see if you're ready.
Me:Yep let's ah go.
[We start heading out,as we're walking the maids and butlers all bow to us.We enter the living room and see Rias,Akeno,Koneko,& Asia all wearing dresses]
Rias:Alright we're all here.
Akeno:Who knew you look so good in a suit Eien~.
Koneko:*Shy*You look nice senpai.
Me:Not as nice as you both~.(They blush and I look at Rias)by the way Rias(She looks at me)am I gonna have ta deal with thots trying ta get me lucky charms?
Rias:*Surprised*O-Oh....honestly I wouldn't doubt it especially if you're promoted.
Kiba:Still can't believe you may get promoted to Ultimate-Class already.
Me:I can literally one tap anyone that's not a innocent cinnamon roll like  Asia just by having a staring contest with them.
[They sweat drop]
Zarathos:Not to mention the various other powers.
[I nod]
Rias:W-Well come on let's go everyone.
[We nod and head thru a magic circle,arriving in a room with a bunch of other devils everyone's eyes immediately go to me as the talking begins.I roll my eyes hearing them and then a guy gets up on stage]

????????:*Smiles*Welcome everyone to this party celebrating my daughter and her team's victory in their first ever rating game!(We all clap)I can't express how proud I am of her and I know this is only the beginning for them

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????????:*Smiles*Welcome everyone to this party celebrating my daughter and her team's victory in their first ever rating game!(We all clap)I can't express how proud I am of her and I know this is only the beginning for them.And that they'll all continue to grow and become incredible devils one day.But please let tonight be a night of celebrating and enjoyment,thank you.
[We all clap and he walks off the stage,I look around noticing people staring at me]
Me:"Man these people weren't taught that staring is rude huh"
Zarathos:"Well considering I recognize some of them from the Great War I'm not surprised"
[I nod and we get some drinks,before Sona shows up]
Rias:*Smile*Hello Sona.
Sona:*Smiles*Rias I just wanted to congratulate you on you victory in the Rating Game and getting out of that marriage.(She nods and Sona looks at me)I have to say Eien when I heard you were the Host of The Spirit of Vengeance I didn't really believe it.But...well...seeing you take the form of the Legendary Rider himself...it was quite the shock.
Me:Yeah....honestly they just pissed me off so I thought.....fuck it.(She nods)And besides to be honestly I could ended the fight so much sooner if I just went to Riser directly and used my scythe sense it's both Holy & Demonic,meaning his healing factor wouldn't ah dick.
Sona:Speaking of healing factor you seemed to have taken full advantage of your own.
Me:Yeah the only difference is my better doe,cause it's genetic and not reliant on my magic power(She nods)Take I can super charge the shit in case I'm seriously seriously injured and need it ta do better.But hey*Shrugs* not like I needed it for beating his ass.
[Sona nods and then we hear the doors slam open,we look and see Riser looking pissed]
Riser:*Pissed*Riser won't stand for this!(He storms into the room with all of us looking at him)The only reason Riser lost is because that bastard used a Holy Weapon!Riser demands he be arrested this instant!
Me:Boi the fuck you talkin bout?!(Everyone looks at me)Yeah my scythe is part Holy,but I didn't even use it on your ass.I used my Hellfire and just beat your ass before whipping you around with my chain and turning up the heat to well done.(He growls)I get you're pissed off you got ya ass kicked but come on dude accept your asswhooping like ah man and quit embarrassing yourself.
[Everyone around us seems to agree with me]
Rias:Besides Riser even if it were true,Eien's sacred gear is by its very nature partially Holy.Which by the rules of the rating game are allowed as they are their naturally ability.Just like your regeneration.
[He looks at her pissed off]
Me:And if we're getting on the topic of some bullshit pulled during the rating game your Queen using what was effectively a Full Restore Potion was bullshit.Like seriously that shit's completely unfair cause if it weren't for her then neither Akeno nor Kiba would've been taken out making your ass whooping even funnier in my opinion.
[He glares at me livid and then Sirzechs shows up]
Riser:*Livid*Lord Lucifer you can't possibly believe this low-class filth!He obviously cheated!RIser demands...
Sirzechs:ENOUGH!(Riser flinches like ah bitch)Riser as Rias stated the fact Eien's sacred gear is partially Holy does not matter,as per the rules of the Rating Game all sacred gears are permitted.
Riser:But he could've seriously injured a Pureblooded Devil.
Me:Keyword there 'could've' not 'did' and besides your one ta talk you were gonna kill Issei the Red Dragon Emperor who I'm pretty sure everyone here would agree having him on the Devil Faction's side is pretty fucking good for the Devil Faction right.(Everyone nods)Just cause he was being a good servant ta Rias and fighting like hell to win for her so don't even come at us with that bullshit.(He growls)...Oh and let's not forget if I actually wanted ta fucking end you dude I could've just burned your soul,Zarathos already confirmed that with the amount of sins you carry if I used the Penance Stare on you it'd be bye bye for your ass so again...I coulda killed ya,but I didn't cause unlike you I'm not petty enough ta kill someone just ta win ah fucking Rating Game.
[He growls looking at me livid and everyone else seems to just be watching while agreeing with me]
Sirzechs:I agree with Eien Riser you were not seriously injured,none of your servants were seriously injured,Eien didn't even use the part of his sacred gear which held the Holy Element inside of it,and as he stated if he truly had wanted to do you serious harm,like you intended to do to Issei Hyoudou,then he could have but he didn't.Now that is enough,you lost the Rating Game now cease this foolishness.
[Riser growls and is kinda shaking in anger]
Riser:*Livid*Riser challenges you(He points at me)to a fight to the death!(Everyone looks at him wide eyed and I look at him like he's ah fucking idiot)When Riser wins the marriage is back on!
[I look around the room and then at Sirzechs]

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