~~~{Chapter Twelve:Training Continues & Interesting Meeting}~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
It's been about five days sense we arrived and started training,right now I'm standing about twenty feet from Kiba about to begin sparring.We're using practice swords so not to actually hurt each other of course.As we're standing their Rias gives the signal.....
[We rush each other and begin clashing blades] 

[They others are surprised by me actually keeping up with Kiba and we lock blades]Kiba:*Smiling*I'm impressed your pretty good with ah sword Eien

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[They others are surprised by me actually keeping up with Kiba and we lock blades]
Kiba:*Smiling*I'm impressed your pretty good with ah sword Eien.
Me:Well when you spend four years of your life living on the streets ya gotta get good,I just got good with ah blade....and besides(I start overpowering him)my brute strength is already pretty damn high.
[Kiba jumps back but I rush him giving him no time to steady himself,I sweep his leg and point the sword at him.I smirk at him and he seems surprised before smiling]
Kiba:*Smiling*I lost.
[I help him up and we bro hug,the others clap]
Rias:*Smiling*Well done Eien.
Akeno:*Smiling*Who knew you'd be so good with a sword.
Koneko:*Smiles*Good job Senpai.
Issei:*Smiling*Dude that was totally badass!
Asia:*Smiling*You both were incredible.
[We smile and I shrug]
Me:Eh to be fair I did spend four years basically fighting for survival so(I shrug  and they nod)....*Sweatdrop*Well until I robbed those scum lords over in America.
[Their surprised]
Me:Huh what?
Kiba:What do you mean you robbed someone?
Me:Oh back in america I used ta steal food,water,and shit but when I was about fifthteen going on sixteen when I found a group of businessmen.Turns out they were running a underground sex trafficking ring from little girls to older women.(Their all disgusted)Oh yeah so after I found out of course I broke into their hideout killed about two or three dozen guards,let the girls all go,collected a metric fucking shit ton of evidence on every last member of them which I then leaked to both the FBI and every mother fucking new outlet I could,and of course stole about 640 million dollars US money.(Their all shocked)And of course the guys were immediately arrested with everyone of them being found guilty on all charges,given the maximum sentencing.And last time I checked of the forty-seven pieces of shit only eleven of them were still alive with the rest getting a good old fashion american prison pedophile hello.
[Their surprised and Issei raises a eyebrow]
Issei:What do you mean?
Me:I mean everyone of them were stuffed,craved up,and served up on ah silver platter.(Their surprised and confused)Aka gang rapied,murdered,and then hung out in the courtyard for everyone ta see.
[They go wide eyed and I crack open ah beer]
Zarathos:"I approve of that punishment"
Me:God Bless America*Headache*Fuck!Worth it!
[I chug my beer and smash it against my head making my headache even worst.Meanwhile everyone else is looking at me wide eyed and speechless]
Akeno:...*Speechless/Wide Eyed*Are you serious?
Me/Zarathos:*Merican*MERICA FUCK YEAH!
[Suddenly Patriot appears on Kiba's shoulder and screech's showing it's wings,I fall down  as everyone just looks at me processing everything]

(Timeskip Next Day)
I'm walking down the stairs after getting dressed in a Tank-Top and some sweat pants about to go start training again.I walk into the living room heading to the kitchen ta get a water bottle before going outside,when I see Rias and Grayfia standing there.
Rias:Oh good your awake.
Me:*Curious*What's up?
Rias:Well....you see my brother heard about you and Zarathos.And he wanted to meet you.
[I'm surprised]
Me:....Who's your brother exactly?
Rias:*Surprised*Oh right I never told you,my brother's 'Sirzechs Lucifer' the current Great Devil King Lucifer.
Me:.....So uh.....does he want ta meet me as the Devil King sense I have a fucking Angel that made God shit bricks inside or as a Big Brother who wants ta make sure I ain't trying ta hit it?
[She blushes and Grayfia looks at me blankly noticing my slight hesitation]
Grayfia:I assure you my master only wishes to talk with you,as you do wield one of the most powerful sacred gears to exist.
Me:...."What do you think Zarathos?"
Zarathos:"Why not,I'm curious what my brother's replacement is like anyways"
Me:"Alright"Okay then let's go.
[She nods and summons a magic circle,we head thru and I see....]

Sirzechs:Hello young man

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Sirzechs:Hello young man.
Me:Hello...."He looks like a genderbent Rias"
Zarathos:"Yeah....it's almost freaky"
Sirzechs:If my sister didn't tell you my name's Sirzechs Lucifer the Great Devil King,it's a pleasure to meet you.
[We shake hands]
[He gestures to two seats]
Sirzechs:Well then...I'm sure your wondering why I asked to meet with you correct?
Me:...Ta be honest I figured it's either cause Zarathos or ta make sure I wasn't trying ta get with Rias.
Sirzechs:*Chuckles*Rias was right,you speak your mind regardless of the situation,that's not a trait many have but it is a good one none the less.
Me:At least until I piss someone off enough they try ta square up.
[He smiles and pours two glasses of whiskey.He hands me ah glass,I smile and take it]
Sirzechs:But you are correct,you wielding the Angel of Justice and Spirit of Vengeance,the Ghost Rider,the Flame of Penance,The Soul Destroyer,The Punisher,The Angel who surpassed God himself,Zarathos it was quite the shock when I heard.And word has gotten around,many are moving to have you promoted to being a High-Class Devil or possibly even Ultimate-Class.
[I'm surprised]
Me:Damn already.
Sirzechs:That is the power of the Ghost Rider,during the Great War when he was still one of Heaven's Warriors he was one of the most powerful enemies so strong he contended with the Red and White Dragon Emperors themselves.Being the very reason that the factions were able to defeat them.(I'm surprised)And after his transformation into the Spirit of Vengeance his power skyrocketed to the level that he alone nearly brought all three Factions to their extinction.(I nod)But I want to ask you something(I look at him)if you were to  be promoted...would you still be willing to protect Rias,Sona,and the others.(I'm surprised)As I said I am the Devil King Lucifer,but Sona's sister is the Current Devil King Leviathan.(I'm even more surprised)Her name's Serafall Leviathan,but because of their relationship with myself and Serafall our enemies may attempt to harm them in order to get to us.(I turn serious)So...if your promoted....could you please protect them.
Me:Of course(He's surprised and I take a drink of my cup)Damn you guys got the good stuff down in hell shit.(He chuckles and I look at him)Whether I'm promoted or not,I don't really give ah fuck.But Rias,Sona,all of them are my friends so if someone attempts to touch them(I summon my scythe as my pupils glow red)*Hollow/Dead*Then they'll be given a first hand example of why not to piss off the Spirit of Vengeance.

[He's surprised and I notice Grayfia smiling,he smiles to and we stand up]
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Than you Eien(We shake hands)and sense you like it so much(He hands me the bottle of whiskey)take it with you,as a sign of appreciation for being such a good friend to my sister and her peerage.
[I take it and smile]
Me:No problem Lord Lucifer,but I think I should head back I still need ta train some more so I can tenderize that self-centered egotistical fucked up KFC wannabe motherfucker.
[Sirzechs laughs and nods as I head thru a magic circle back to the others]

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