~~~Chapter Nineteen:Discovery~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
Me,Josh,and Kate just got back to the house after the meeting,Kuroka's with us and once we arrive we see the others all sitting on the couch.They see Kuroka and notice my somewhat serious expression.
Me:Alright Kate,Josh take everyone upstairs with Kuroka and explain what's up,I'm gonna call Sirzechs.
Josh/Kate:Got it.
Alex:*Confused*What's going on?
Kate:We'll explain upstairs just come on.
[Their surprised and nod,before going up stairs.I go over to the couch and sit down,I take out the journal Kuroka gave me and open it before beginning to read thru it.As I do my eyes turn dull and my expression disappears leaving a blank one on my face.After a few minutes I finish and set it down,before sighing and summoning a magic circle using it to call Sirzechs.After a few seconds he picks up and seems surprised by me calling]
Sirzechs:<Ah Eien I'm assuming the meeting went well.>
Me:<Yeah they understood I'm neutral towards their group,even agreed to help with Rogue Fallen and Priests in exchange for payment>
Sirzechs:<That's good you building a relationship with them could serve as a bridge to form a stable long-lasting peace between the factions.>
Me:<Yeah.....yeah it could....>
Sirzechs:<*Confused*Is something wrong?>
Me:<Before we left Yasaka asked a favor>
Sirzechs:<*Curious*What was it?>
Me:<Well she introduced me to someone that was accused of a crime and she wanted my help to prove their innocence or guilt.>
Sirzechs:<Using the power of the Rider I presume?>
Me:<Yeah....and after speaking to the person for a minute,they explained their reasoning behind the crime....and I used our Penance Stare on them.As you know by the very fundamental rules of the Penance Stare those that are innocent are immune to it>
Sirzechs:<Yes it's because their souls are coated in sins(I nod)so I presume the person was innocent?>
Me:<They were....and that's why I'm calling you.>
Sirzechs:<...........I believe I know who this is about>
Me:<They told me something and I want to request you and I along with any of the other Devil Kings if they're available check it out....I don't want anyone else seeing what inside....cause if they were speaking the truth(My fists tighten enough to begin to bleed)then honestly I  can't blame them for doing what they did.>
Sirzechs:<..........Just to clarify..........you're speaking about the Black Cat,Kuroka aren't you(I nod)....what exactly did she say?>
Me:<.........*Sigh/Dead*She explained he had been kidnapping children to experiment on them>
Me:<*Dead*I'm not done(He looks at me)he was trying to create Artificial Super Devils(He's shocked)and then Kuroka explained that what pushed her over the edge was the bastard was gonna use her little sister in his experiments.(He freezes)Which would of killed her....(He's frozen in shock)Like I said she was immune to my Penance Stare which is already enough evidence to me....but she told me where his lab is.....and she gave me his journal .....I read it...*Shakes head*>
Sirzechs:<.....Well then I'll send Grayfia to get you and I'll call the other Devil Kings,if this is as bad as I believe it is....then we all need to see it>
Me:<Prepare yourselves.......cause this.....this is simply and purely a abomination.....that shouldn't exist>
[He nods and the call ends,I sigh and notice the others coming back down]

Kana:So what did he say?
Me:He agreed to my request to check this,Grayfia coming to pick me up and then me along with the Devils Kings are gonna go look.
Alex:Want one of us ta go with.
Me:No(Their surprised)this....this is something I want you guys seeing....honestly despite what I went thru...is like feather landing on me in comparison to this.
[Their surprised and notice the shakiness in my voice]
Me:"What's up Zarathos?"
Zarathos:"When we get there I'm going to show you another ability"
[A magic circle appears and Grayfia comes thru]
Grayfia:It's time my Lord.
Me:Just Eien Grayfia(She nods noticing my expression)let's go.
[She nods and we head thru the magic circle,we appear in front of a large house and I see Sirzechs along with the other devil kings...

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