~~~Chapter Four:School,Helping a Idiot,More Questions~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
I'm walking up to school and then hear a bunch of people talking,I turn and see Rias with Issei walking up to the school.I not really surprised by this and go over to them.
Me:Hey Rias(She looks at me)after school I need ta tell you something regarding that 'thing' I showed you and the others during our club meeting yesterday yesterday.
[She looks at me for a second then seemingly understands]
Rias:...Oh okay well after school Eien can you bring Issei to the clubroom,he's our new member.
Me:Huh...alright(I look at him)welcome ta the fucking club Issei.(He nods seemingly still confused and surprised,I put my arm around him and whisper into his ear)*Whispering*Saw Rias naked didn't you(He stiffens and blushes)careful don't want a lift off happening when not clear for take off.
[He covers himself and I snicker before walking away,I head into the building with Issei following me]
Issei:*Embarrassed*Really man did you have to say that now I'm...
Me:Naked Grandma(He looks at me,then looks down looking at me)*Raised Eyebrow*better?
Issei:*Surprised*Y-Yeah....how did you...
Me:Trust me with the amount of magazines I read and girls coming on to me I've used that trick a lot.Cause honestly I don't want ta have to buy new pants.
Issei:*Confused*Why would you need to buy new pants?
Me:*Raised Eyed*Why did Akia get a nosebleed and pass out when she did that dick measuring thing she always does on you and the other two dipshits on me?
[He stops looking at me for a solid ten seconds then it clicks]
Issei:Oooh.....!(He looks at me wide eyed)Wait what!?
Me:It's happened before(He's shocked and we walk into class seeing Motohama and Matsuda about to swing,but freeze seeing me)ah I see the trauma you received last time is settling in nicely good.
[I walk by them and sit down pulling out a magazine,then I see three of the very few girls that I've actually taken the time to get to know come over to me]

[I walk by them and sit down pulling out a magazine,then I see three of the very few girls that I've actually taken the time to get to know come over to me]

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~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Male OC X Highschool DxD X Harem}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin