~~~Chapter Seventeen:Request from Zarathos's Family~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
It's been about ah month since the others joined my peerage and moved in with me.They all started school and after the boys all learned they all had the same type of 'Fuck with me and You'll Regret it' personality that I do they stopped annoying them.As well as pretty much anyone who associates with them....so basically with all of us there the school's become pretty nice.As for Elizabeth well we had one incident where a older boy attempted to do some shit,but he learned despite her adorableness she is one of us and she is not bitch-made when she punched him in the throat and thunder clapped his ears.Something we all saw and couldn't of been more proud of....that was until the shitty brat's parents showed up and her Dad tried to slap her....They ended up regretting that decision....or....they will when they come out of the coma.ANYWAYS Elizabeth's made a good amount of friends in her school.
The others also awoken their sacred gears and dear god..,,who knew a bunch of shitty little orphans from Chicago would have so many weapons capable of killing gods.Rias,Sona,and the others were shocked by their powers while we just laughed.Lately we've been dealing with the strays in town and fuck it's not even fair we just keep on beating them up before Sam turns them take ash with her holy fire & I collect their souls with Jail.The others have helped them learn magic with while Kiba & Josh have taken to being sparring buddies.Kiba was amazed by Josh's fighting technique which is just basically go fucking ape shit with such grace and devastating power it's pretty much like a dance.
Right now tho we're just chilling in the house,we've all started doing contracts and shit which they all find easy as hell.As we're sitting there a magic circle appears,we all look and see Sirzechs & Grayfia come thru.
Sirzechs:Hello Eien(He sees everyone)I see you've gotten some fine members of your team.
Me:Yea their actually friends from back when I was little kid(Their surprised and smile)everyone this is Sirzechs Lucifer Rias's older brother and his wife/queen Grayfia Lucifuge.
Sam:Oh shit you're the current Lucifer?!(He nods)Well damn....uh....nice ta meet you,I'm Samantha Williams Eien's queen and the wielder of the sacred gear 'Incinerate Anthem'
[Their eyes go wide as hell]
Alexander:I'm Alexander T. Dornez Eien's rook and the wielder of the sacred gear 'Unknown Dictator'
[Their mouths slightly open in shock]
Joshua:I'm Joshua Anderson Eien's Knight and wielder of the sacred gear 'Star Buster Star Blaster'
[Their mouths widen even further]
Kana:I'm Kana Lawliet Eien's pawn worth two pieces and the wielder of the sacred gear 'Alphecca Tyrant'
[Their jaws just completely drop]
Kate:I'm Katelyn Summers Eien's pawn worth two pieces and I don't have ah sacred gear but....
(She speaks into all of our minds)"I'm a powerful telepath"

[Both he and Grayfia are stunned in amazement at us]
Sirzechs:*Wide Eyed/Stunned*.....Multiple Longinus Wielders...not to mention two Holy Relic wielders.....
Me:*Smirks*Seriously apparently Chicago just got ah shit ton of little shits running round with God-Slaying weapons inside of them.
[Suddenly Elizabeth comes down playing with Vergil,I smile and they see her.She sees them and comes over to us]
Me:This is Elizabeth,Kana's little sister(Their surprised)Ellie(She looks at me)this is Sirzechs Lucifer RIas's big brother and his wife Grayfia Lucifuge.
[She's surprised and smiles,before looking at him]
Elizabeth:*Smiles*It's nice to meet you,your sister is really nice.
[Their surprised and smile]
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Thank you Elizabeth.
Kana:Rias,Asia,and Akeno have taken to making Ellie cookies and all of them along with Sona with her team pretty much see her like the innocent little angel she is.
Josh:Until someone tries ta screw with her and she kicks their ass.
[Sirzechs and Grayfia are surprised]
Sam:A older boy attempted to harass her and when he tried to pull her off to go with him,she defended herself by jabbing him in the throat and thunder clapping his ears.
[Their surprised]
Me:Then his parents tried ta hurt her for doing so and learned that when you fuck with one member of the family,the rest of the family won't be happy.
[Their surprised and nod understanding]

Sirzechs:Well I can certainly agree with you on that.
Me:So what's up don't think you comeby just ta check up on me considering I'm sure as the Devil King you got a lot of shit on your plate.
Sirzechs:*Depressed*Oh you have you no idea(Elizabeth hugs him to cheer him up which he smiles at),but you're correct you see word's gotten out about you wielding Zarathos and the other factions have become quite nervous about your power..
Me:And they're either asking to meet with me or some other shit right?
Sirzechs:Yes actually,both the Archangel Michael as well as the Governor General of the Fallen Angels Azazel have requested to meet with you.
Sirzechs:No,they've agreed that two of people may come with him to the meeting.
Sam:I'd say Kate and Josh then.
Me:You two okay with that?
Me:Alright what about you Zarathos?
Zarathos:I'm fine with it,they are my siblings despite my current state....tho if Michael decides to bring Raphael I may want to hit him sense he and I always had a rivalry of sorts.
Me:....okay then....so when do they want to have the meeting and where?
Sirzechs:It'll be in a few days as for where,it's going to be held in Kyoto and overseen by the Leader of the youkai faction.She's a nine-tailed fox named 'Yasaka'.She's neutral towards all three factions and also wishes to meet with you.
Me:Huh...alright then tell them I'm fine with it,not like I got any problem with the other races....honestly couldn't really give less of shit about that.I'm fine just killing strays,sitting on my ass,and enjoying life with my friends....with the occasional fight every now and then to have some fun.
[He smiles and nods]
Sirzechs:Well then I'll let them know....also Eien(I look at him)you should know that because you have so many powerful sacred gear users you'll likely be targeted by those who aren't so happy with the current status of the world.
Me:And let them come,we'll just jump them and they'll pay penance for the sin of trying ta start another war.
[He chuckles before waving goodbye and we all just start watching Instant Karma videos on youtube]

~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Male OC X Highschool DxD X Harem}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora