~~~{Chapter Fifthteen:Some Old Friends}~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
I'm sitting in the ORC yesterday I got officially promoted to a Ultimate-Class Devil and was removed as Rias's Pawn.The pawn pieces that were used on me were then added to Issei's.After showed Riser why not to talk shit to someone who just doesn't give ah fuck,a bunch of the other noble devils started talking to me about marrying their daughters.Which thankfully Sirzechs had my back and told them to wait as I still needed to settle into being a Noble and all that shit.Right now tho I'm thinking about who I want ta have join my team,I already have a few people in mind.As I'm thinking the door opens revealing Sona and her peerage...
Rias:Hello Sona.
Sona:Hello Rias,Eien..Eien(I look at her)I would like to congratulate you on your promotion to Ultimate-Class it's quite the achievement for someone who's only been a devil for a few months and someone so young.
Me:Thanks Sona.
Rias:So have you thought of anyone you want to have join your peerage?
Me:Yeah,but there's a small problem(They look at me)I'd need ta head back ta Chicago to see them.(Their surprised)By any chance can teleportation magic teleport me to america?
RIas:....It can teleport you to a different dimension.
Me:Good point...well then I guess I'll be off(I look at them)wanna come with me?
[Their surprised]
Akeno:*Surprised*Are you sure?
Me:Yeah just be aware that Chicago ain't like Japan or the Hell....shit's fucking crazy and fucking fun over there.
[They look at one another before they nod]
All of Them:Okay/Sure.
[I nod and summon my new personally magic circle

{A/N:I just wanna say that I choice this as his magic circle sense the cross symbolizes Jesus and the snake symbolizes satan

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

{A/N:I just wanna say that I choice this as his magic circle sense the cross symbolizes Jesus and the snake symbolizes satan...which is a nod to Zarathos being both Holy & Demonic and shit so...yeah hope yall like it}

[I teleport away appearing in a forest I used ta play in when I was little at the orphanage,the others all arrive and see me looking around as memories flood my mind]
Issei:You okay dude?
Me:Yeah...I used ta play in these woods(Their surprised and I walk to the edge of them seeing the old orphanage)that's the orphanage I grew up in before I got adopted by those assholes.(They see it and seem surprised,seeing the little kids running around it.I smile and then turn)Come on we're not far from where the people I'm looking for are.
[They nod and we walk down the streets,I'm having them stay close sense South Side Chicago isn't know for being very safe.As we're walking we find a group of boys blocking our way.

As we're walking we find a group of boys blocking our way

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Male OC X Highschool DxD X Harem}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ