~~~Chapter 74:Ah Emperor,Ah Prick,& Ah Hoe~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
I'm sitting in the house with everyone just waiting for the call to the Rating Game against Diehauser Belial the Emperor.None of us are really nervous,we're honestly more excited than anything............
Herakles:So Eien(I look at him)do you have ah plan for the game?
Me:.....Ah few actually(They look at me curious)Option A-We all go Ape Shit and start wrecking shit,Option B-Kate lifts them all up with Telekinesis then Sam & I just blast them with Holy Fire,or Option C-.....I just tell Alex ta have fun.
[They all look at me blankly and look down]
Bastet:*Blankly*Well you're honest at least....
Rose:*Blankly*The fucked up part is all of those are valid ways for you to win.
[I just nod and then Grayfia arrives thru a magic circle]
Grayfia:It is time.
Nick:*Smirk*Let's cause some chaos.
[We smirk and head thru the magic circle,teleporting and appearing in  what looks like a straight up ruined city.Then  Grayfia comes on the Loudspeaker and explains the normal rules for a Rating Game,eventually tho the buzzer rings]
Me:Alright let's head out.....
[They nod and we head off]
Akia:Should I summon some creatures?
Sam:If you want.
[She nods and then summons some creatures.....]

[There's about twenty of them and they start running alongside us,we look at them and then at her]Kate:You've been playing Fallout 4 huh?Akia:*Looks down*It ah good game

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[There's about twenty of them and they start running alongside us,we look at them and then at her]
Kate:You've been playing Fallout 4 huh?
Akia:*Looks down*It ah good game.
Josh:No,No she has ah point there guys.
[We nod and then run  into a group of fifteen people all wearing cloaks,we look at them]
??????:Lord Eien Thanatreus may pass,our Master wishes to fight you himself the rest of us will face your peerage.
[We're surprised and look at one another,before I look at them
[I head off as they let me thru,as I'm running I hear them starting to fight and then after a minute or two I see him sitting on some rumble]
Diehauser:Hello Eien Thanatreus.
Me:Hello Diehauser Belial heard you wanted ta fight me one on one.
Diehauser:Yes,but there's also someone that wants to speak with you.
[I raise a eyebrow and then a magic circle appears beside him,from it comes ah guy I don't know....]

???????:*Smirk*Hello Little Brother

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???????:*Smirk*Hello Little Brother.
[I'm surprised and look at him........]

(No One's Pov/Back in Kuoh)
Everyone looks at the scene as Rizevim Lucifer comes thru the magic circle,Lilith gasps seeing her eldest child....
[Everyone's surprised and immediately go on guard]
Eien:<So.....guessing you're Rizevim huh?>
Rizevim:<Yes I am....>
Eien:<Okay so why you here?>
Rizevim:<Hmph I've come here to speak with you regarding my plans>
Eien:<*Raised Eyebrow*What plans?>
Rizevim:<To bring about Chaos(Eien looks at him)I plan to use the power of a certain sacred gear to bring forth a army,then I will use my power to release the Beast God Emperor of The Apocalypse Trihexa....>
[Everyone looks at him wide eyed]
Eien:<Okay two things first Blackheart's already doing that and second that Dream Demon asshole really fucked you up didn't he?>
Rizevim:<*Tilts Head*What do you mean by that?>
Eien:<Marceline and Vali told me about how you were before Blackheart and his group of Edgey fucking Cunts and Hoes including the Dream Demon showed up.According to what they said you had ah argument with em and then afterwards you turned into the insane abusive prick you are now>
Rizevim:<....Hmph well that doesn't matter....Diehauser>
[He nods and raises his hand showing a glowing red King Piece]
Diehauser:<This is a King Piece,it's a forbidden Evil Piece that can drastically increase your....>
Eien:<Cool,Nice,Whatever,Back to you(He looks at Rizevim)if you're here to ask me to join you then go fuck yourself...but....huh what up man?>
[He looks down]
Hades:*Serious/Cautious*Zarathos must be talking to him.
Issei:*Serious*We gotta go help him!?
[They all nod before hearing Eien say something]
Eien:<Hold up(They look at him)you sure Zarathos?.....Oh looks like I'm killing ah bitch(His scythe appears)maybe after this you'll stop be ah fucktard>
[Rizevim looks at him as his Balance Breaker appears,Diehauser goes to raise his hand before a Nail of Light pierces right thru it.Diehauser and Rizevim looks surprised before seeing Eien's team coming towards them,then Eien appears right in front of Rizevim who looks at him just in time for Eien's fist to collide with his face.But when he does something strange occurs,Eien's fist seems to phase right thru Rizevim's head before a figure flies comes out of Rizevim being sent flying from Eien's punch.Everyone's eyes widen as Rizevim falls to the ground unconscious,they look at the figure and see them......]

Azazel:*Serious*NIGHTMARE!Zeus:*Serious*He was hiding inside of Rizevim's Mind

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Zeus:*Serious*He was hiding inside of Rizevim's Mind...
Hades:*Serious*Zarathos must've noticed the separate Soul inside Rizevim's Body....then he used his power to force it out.
Lilith:*Serious*Let's go!
[They nod heading thru a magic circle....]

(Eien's Pov)
I look at the Green Goblin Wannabe looking motherfucker as he stands up with a newly broken nose.....
Sam:*Raised Eyebrow*Who he?
Me:Dream Demon,he was hiding inside Rizevim's(I point at him)body.
Josh:Wow hiding inside another guy,kinda sus.
Alex:Big Sus if you ask me.
Nightmare:*Pissed*H-How....HOW THE HELL DID YOU NOTICE ME!?
Zarathos:*Serious*You may reside inside the mind,but you can't hide your soul from me Nightmare.
[He growls before I notice a small ball hit his foot,he looks at it just in time for the pokeball to open and he's pulled inside.It shakes a few times before stopping,we all look over at Alex.....]
Alex:*Shrug*What didn't want him getting away,so we can just take him into my V-Space ta kill him there.
[We sweat drop before looking at Diehauser who slowly stands up only to see Nick and he finishes it......]

[Diehauser smashes into the ground head first,he slowly disappears in blue particles and then were hear another Pokemon sound

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[Diehauser smashes into the ground head first,he slowly disappears in blue particles and then were hear another Pokemon sound.We look seeing Rizevim gone with a Pokemon where he was]
Alex:Didn't want him running either.
[We nod and then Mom,Dad,& Everyone else arrive thru a magic circle.They all look ready fo ah fight and just look around]
Lilith:Sweetheart where is Nightmare and Rizevim?
[I point at Alex who holds up the Pokeballs they look at him blankly]
Kana:Didn't want them running away....
Akia:But DIehauser's out cold over their.
[She gestures to them and they see him]
[We just look at one another and then we're all teleported back to the house....]

To Be Continued...................

{A/N:So.....I just wanted to say that I would've had a bit more of a fight with Diehauser's Peerage but there is literally NO information on it.Like not ah damn thing}

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