Chapter 16; Two More Days...

Start from the beginning

"Not much," I say. AJ nods.

"What do you girls want to do?" Mike asks us.

Me and AJ look between each other. "ARCADE!"

"Woah, you guys are eager," Mike chuckles. "Well let's go then."

We begin to walk our way over to the arcade. Here in San Francisco, the weather is so nice despite the fact it's March. I guess weather out in California is usually pretty nice.

"Why are you guys so desperate to go to the arcade?" Mike asks us.

"Well... this morning we had a bit of a... friendly argument that has to be settled," AJ says.

"And the arcade is going to settle this?" Mike asks.

"Skeeball solves everything," I say. "It's the golden rule, you should know that."

"Ahh..." Mike says, clearly confused. "And why exactly does Skeeball settle everything?"

"Because it does," I say, closing the discussion. "Look, we're here."

"Wait..." Mike says. He takes off his sweater and track pants to reveal a penguin suit.

"Why exactly?" I ask. "Why are you wearing a penguin suit?"

"AJ told me to," Mike say.

"I was kind of hoping you weren't going to be wearing anything under that sweater and pants," AJ admits.

"Well i don't have to wear anything later tonight," Mike says seductively. "Would that be okay with you?"

"While you're at it, why don't i do the same," AJ flirts back. "Just to make you feel better."

"Oh it'll make me feel better alrig..."

"GROSS!" I plead. "STOP!"

We enter the arcade to see it is larger than the one we had gone to back in January with Glenn.

"Miz look," AJ says pointing to a first-shooter game. They jog off towards it, leaving me in the dust.

"I'll just stay here I guess," I say.


~~~AJ Point of View~~~

After three hours of playing various arcade games with Miz, I decided i was ready.

"KAITLYN!" I call out.

"Yeah?" Kaitlyn calls back.

"It's time"

We meet up by the skee-ball game and prepare ourselves.

"You go first," I say. Kaitlyn puts a token in the game.

With her 9 balls she gets: 10, 20, 20, 20, 30, 40, 40, 50, 100. A total of 330.

"For my turn," I say, "I'll need a kiss for good luck."

"I didn't get a... nevermind" Kaitlyn says after receiving a huge glare from me.

Mike leans down and we begin kissing. After about five seconds, Kaitlyn pulls us apart.

"That'll do," Kaitlyn says. "Now bowl."

I put a token in the game. With my first eight balls I get: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 50, 50, 100. I have one ball left and need 70 to tie with Kaitlyn.

"Good luck," she says. "You'll need it."

I throw my last ball. It rolls up the inclined aisle and right into the right side of the scoring board. It rolls around the rim of the 100 point hole... And right off. It ends up in the 10 point hole so Kaitlyn wins by 60.

"Yes I win," Kaitlyn celebrates doing an embarrassing dance along with it.

"Stop Kaitlyn," I mutter to her. "You're embarrassing yourself."

"Me... Embarrassing myself? What about you? I won, you lost! You should be the one embarrassed," Kaitlyn says continuing her dance like I'd asked her not to do.

"It's okay babe," Miz says turning me around and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You gave it your all."

"Yuck..." Kaitlyn says. "Just stop touching your lips to each other's faces already."

"That.... Was an interesting way to put it," Miz says.

"Whatever," Kaitlyn says all sassily. She even does the whole rolling eyes thing.

"What makes you so sassy this fine afternoon?" Miz asks.

"She's jealous," I tell him.

"That you get all this?" Miz says sarcastically pointing to himself from head to toe. "Don't be Kaitlyn. You'll find someone."

"Oh I think she already has," I say. Kaitlyn looks at me with a death glare, challenging me to go further. Well, I will then.

"Oh, who is he?"

"He's quite someone too, Miz. Kaitlyn likes him because, and now most of this is her opinion, he is extremely sweet, he has perfect facial hair, and he has an endearing Bri..."

By then, Kaitlyns hand is covering my mouth and preventing me from finishing my sentence.

"Don't AJ," she says giving me the evil eye. "Don't you dare?"

"Fine," I say once I've gotten my mouth away from her hand. "Let's just go back now."

"Alright," Miz says. Me and him begin walking, but Kaitlyn doesn't catch up. I turn around to see her holding her nose.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing," Kaitlyn says. She jogs up to me and the three of us go back to the hotel.

A/N: Lol, AJ always calls Mike 'Miz' while Kaitlyn calls him by his real name. But will Kaitlyn ever stop thinking out loud? You'll just have to find out.

Next chapter is Monday when Kaitlyn will get her tests.

I'm thinking like seven or eight chapters left, and then possibly an epilogue. I'll probably decide more by the end of next chapter, right now i'm just putting possible endings in my head.

I will tell you this though... the story will end at Wrestlemania. I'm absolutely sure of that.


A/N about my A/N: Sorry, when i wrote that author's note, it was really late at night and i was extremely tired.

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