II Chapter 5 Withdrawal symptoms.

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Origami: Hikari are you okay?

Hikari: Mn, I'm fine.

Hikari had eye bags and her eyes were a tad bit bloodshot.

Origami: Did you have nightmares again?

Hikari: N-No, I just couldn't sleep.

Origami: Oh okay, then let's concentrate on baking this cake.

Hikari: Yeah..

Origami was mixing the batter for the cake while Hikari was greasing the baking tray.


Rensuke: Y/n was the cell okay? You look horrible.

Y/n: Yes, they put me in a much better one.

Rensuke: It looks like you haven't gotten any sleep recently.

Y/n: Uncle, I managed to feel something yesterday..

Rensuke: ^This kid, I'm worrying about him and he changes the subject, he's acting like a man already trying not to make me worry.^ That's good what emotion was it this time?

Y/n: It wasn't an emotion, I felt cold for the first time in a long time.

Rensuke: Cold?

Y/n: Mn, I think it's to do with Hikari..

Rensuke: Hmm, I guess it does make sense she is the reason for you feeling warmth so it is plausible.

Y/n: Uncle.. How are Aunty and Hikari? I know Aunty doesn't deal with stress that well and I was a bit cold to Hikari the last time I saw her.

Rensuke: *Sigh* You shouldn't be worrying about them your situation isn't pretty.. Although the same can be said for those two but not on the same level. Your Aunt's alopecia has come back I assume it's the stress but she's doing better now. We thought it'd be best for Hikari to spend some time with her cousin to take her mind off things. She was very down and felt partially responsible for what happened.


Rensuke: She thinks you hate her.

Y/n smirked.

Y/n: I don't hate her, I was just angry.. Not at her but at everything.

Rensuke: Oh, was that a smirk?

Y/n: I think so.

Rensuke started chuckling.

Rensuke: I mention her and you show some emotion. You two start sleeping in the same room and it solves her nightmares and your insomnia.

Y/n: I'm not sure why that is the case.

Rensuke: I got a call from my sister and she says Hikari had trouble sleeping and her nightmares have come back.

Y/n: I made a promise to protect her light so it's fine if she becomes dependent on me I'll just make an effort to always be by her side.

Rensuke: Said like a true man in love. Are you sure you're not trying to take my daughter away?

Y/n: My intentions are pure, I only want to make sure she's okay.

Rensuke: For now, but if you ever do I wouldn't mind.

Y/n: I will keep that in mind in the future.

Rensuke: Moving on to more serious things. I've accumulated nearly all the evidence. The shops willingly gave me the evidence but the school is a bit reluctant to do so.

Y/n: Is it because they know your my guardian?

Rensuke: You hit the nail right on the head. I can't use the same tactic I used with the shops I have to ask for a few favours again. I'm sure they are contemplating whether or not to delete the evidence.

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