Epilogue of Arc I. Chapter 28 Reflecting On The Past.

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Y/n: Ouch! Be more gentle.

Kyou kai: It's your fault for taunting those kids. They probably would have let you off easier than this if you hadn't.

Y/n: I can't control that it always happens during battle. I get way too cocky or angry and I always pay the price later on. Still the part at the end was unnecessary, they broke a few ribs.

Y/n was currently shirtless Kyou kai was running an ointment on Y/n's chest his seal was still glowing red.

Xin: They say hotheads in battle are either geniuses at battle or of the first ones to be slain. There's no In between and more often than not it is the latter.

Y/n: That doesn't bode well for me.

Xin: No, it doesn't but you are the chosen one so here's hoping. Kid you should stop using your powers otherwise that seal is never going to calm down.

Y/n: I'm not using them. It's automatic as a spirit I regenerate quicker and I noticed I don't age too.

Xin: Spirit?

Y/n: Oh yeah you don't know what a spirit is I'll explain it

After a fifteen minute explanation Xin understood what spirits were.

Xin: Interesting, like artificial sorcery.

Y/n: Why do you guys call it artificial even Tomura called it that,

Kyou Kai signalled Y/n to lift his arms so that she could bandage his abdomen and chest. Which he complied to.

Xin: Because you're born with true sorcery. Sorcery cannot be passed on if you have it is complete luck.

Y/n: Huh.

Xin: Moving on, I'm sure you know about the curse in our family right.

Y/n: Yeah, how could I forget.

Xin: Has it talked to you at any point? Offered you any deals for power?

Y/n: Mm, Yeah one time when I was on the brink of defeat.

Xin took a large sigh.

Xin: Well that's to be expected.

Y/n: You're a lot calmer about this than when I told my clan that I made a deal with him.

Xin: Yukimura isn't to be feared, you should only fear him if you are weak and I am far from weak. Those fools must not know he's tamable.

Y/n: You can tame him?

Xin: Yes, it's possible but fully taming him I'm not sure I've tried but haven't had much luck. Out of all our ancestors I have been able to control Yukimura the most.

Y/n: So what's your secret?

Xin: First you have to understand that you are a reincarnation of Yukimura. Yukimura has been living for generations in his reincarnates bodies. Each reincarnation he has been observing and learning. Making him the perfect weapon.

Y/n: I don't understand.

Xin: Our family is one that takes to the battlefield. Over the years by watching his reincarnations fight he has gained great knowledge of skills and combat.

Y/n: So if he does take over our body.

Xin: Yes he'll be unstoppable.

Y/n: I still don't get how that helps me control him.

Xin: The way Yukimura takes over our body is through emotions. When we feel hate,anger, sorrow or a surge of power we're not fit to wield, he pounces. It's always when our mind is unstable. People think it's only in these moments he is present but he influences how we act all the time so letting him out from time to time isn't so bad. To control him you have to regulate your emotions.

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