New found light. Chapter 1

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Y/n: I swear I didn't do it I'm just a kid how could I kill my own parents.

His words were shaky his voice hoarse tears streaming down his face. He could barely stand.


Hikari's father: WAIT I have new found evidence showing that he wasn't the culprit, from this evidence we can tell that he was manipulated into his actions.

Prosecutor: All the evidence points to him being responsible are we really going to believe that he doesn't remember his parents dying? He says he doesn't remember life before his parents too those are crocodile tears. He killed his parents he should be sent to a mental asylum and get help lock him up and throw away the key.


Y/n: MY PARENTS DIE AND I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HOW AND ALL YOUR DOING IS BLAMING ME YOU THINK I COULD KILL THEM IN COLD BLOOD SO EASILY ON MY birthday nonetheless... I barley remember them but I do know I loved them and they were essential to my life. I can't remember anything before that incident and all you can do is blame me. I don't care anymore send me to jail kill me do what you want you people only want to see me suffer.

All of Y/ns tears were now dried up nothing was left.

The jury saw the new evidence and saw that Y/n was blindfolded. The footage cut out after that. The verdict was that Y/n was not guilty.



Location Hikari's House

Y/n: Why did you drag me all over the mall when you weren't going to buy anything?

Hikari: Oh come on nii chan don't be so grumpy it's your birthday.

Y/n: Yeah it is and I hate this day which is why I want to sleep just to get this over and done with

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Y/n: Yeah it is and I hate this day which is why I want to sleep just to get this over and done with.

Hikari: Welp I've got just the thing to cheer you up.

Y/n: Eh what's that, are you gonna start calling me onii chan again?

Hikari: No. Not after you tricked me.

Y/n: I didn't trick you.

Hikaru: Anyway we're back please open the door and go through first nii chan

Y/n: Alright then.

From that point on I was sure that the day I was born was cursed.

Unknown people: SURPRISE!!

Hikari: Well, what do you think, Y/n?


Y/n bolted up the stairs. Not even a second later two people were standing at the door.

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