II Chapter 4 Light and shadow separated.

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Hikari's father: ShShSh don't worry dear don't worry I'll get him back.

Hikari's mother: I-I don't see why they are doing this to him! He only defended himself I know he went too far but it's only natural after what he went through.

Hikari's mother was a blubbering mess and her husband was holding her while she sobbed into his chest. Their daughter sat on the couch watching them.

Hikari's father: ^Maybe he saw all of this coming. He didn't defend himself since he knew he would be blamed. He didn't walk with Hikari because he knew they would target her too. He saw all of it coming.^


Hikari's father had comforted his wife to the point she calmed down but later on, passed out from the stress and dismay. After putting her to bed he came down the stairs to talk to his daughter who was staring at the ground with a worried face.

Hikari's father: Hikari.. How are you feeling?

Hikari trembled and ball her tiny fists.

Hikari: Dad.. I think Y/n might hate me..

Hikari's father: Why do you think he hates you? Come on Hikari nobody could hate my little cutie pie.

He picked up his daughter and embraced her while she was in the air. Hikari took this opportunity to bury her head into his neck.

His shoulder started to feel damp and he heard Hikari's breathing become erratic.

Hikari: I-I abandoned him, I didn't defend him.. He did all those things to protect me! Yet-Yet when he asked me to come with him.. I was scared.. He looked angry and sad..It's my fault..

Hikari's father: *Sigh* Hikari.. He doesn't hate you.^I don't think he's capable of hating anyone right now.^

Hikari: Dad.. Please help him. People were saying he's going to get locked up. I don't want him to go. Please.

Hikari's father: Don't worry Hikari Daddys going to bring him back then you can make up with him Okay?

Hikari: Mn.


Hikari's father: I want to see him.

Officer: Only his lawyer can see him.

Hikari's father: You're looking at him. Now let me through.

The officer escorted Hikari's father to Y/n's cell.

Hikari's father: What are these conditions? He doesn't even have a bed, Are you people in your right mind?

Officer: Ten minutes.

Hikari's father: I'll take as long as I want. I may not look like it but I used to be a lawyer in the past so I know my rights. Don't think you guys will get away with the conditions you've put my client in.

Officer: Tch.

Hikari's father: I also want to speak to him where there are chairs present and I want you people to prepare my client a meal and a drink. Knowing you people you haven't fed him since he got here.


Y/n: Uncle..

Hikari's father: *Sigh* Hey Y/n..

The two sat in silence..

Hikari's-father&Y/n: I'm sorry.

The two looked at each. Hikari's father looked at Y/n with bewilderment while Y/n had his normal stoic look.

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