The assassination. Chapter 23.

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Came to realisation a characters point of view is like first person and not third person concentrated mainly on them lol. Anyway Enjoy.

 Anyway Enjoy

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Y/n's point of view four days ago.

I'm currently wheeling around my trolley of cleaning supplies around the DEM headquarters.

Y/n: It's a good thing they decided to do this at night standing outside this room eavesdropping would have been a challenge.

Motor san: Yep. Not to mention lucky we have the CCTV footage of the building connected to our television.

Y/n: That was a real lifesaver.

Four days have passed since Westcott and the others left. Leaving me on my own I've been using the surveillance cameras and trackers I planted on the rebellious board members to survey them. Whenever they grouped up outside of working hours or without anyone that outranks them I would always go down and watch them personally. Lately they seem to have been behaving themselves just complaining about Westcott's unorthodox methods but today I noticed them gathering quite late at night.

Y/n: Let's see what they are talking about.

I connected an ear piece to my ear and tapped it twice but all I could hear was static.

Motor san: Remember we have to be within five metres for it to pick up any audio.

Y/n: Damn what would I do without you?

Motor san: Probably get yourself killed.

Y/n: I was complimenting you.

Motor san: It's too funny messing with you. I do appreciate it.

Y/n: Let's just get this over with.

Motor san: Can I ask why you brought your cleaner clothes.

Y/n: I need to blend in.

Motor san: Nobody is in the building except those guys and cleaners aren't allowed to be in here at this time.

Y/n: Wow why didn't you tell me that before.

Motor san: You seemed to be in a good mood after talking to Hikari on the phone.

Y/n: You really get on my nerves.

Motor san: You too buddy.

I finally made it to the room they were talking in and tried activating my ear piece again but it was no use.

Y/n: How am I still not within reach?

Motor san: Hmmm he must be sitting all the way on the other side of the room.

Y/n: The Dumbass had to make my job harder by sitting so far away from me.

Motor san: What now?

Y/n: Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're the search engine.

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