Meeting the Family. Chapter 26.

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The two continued on their rickety journey until finally making it to a small secluded island. The ship stopped at a dock on the island.

Y/n: ^Sounds like were here.^

Y/n made his way out of his quarters and went onto the deck of the ship. What lay in front of him was a sandy beach and a forest behind it. 

Tomura: Home at last

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Tomura: Home at last.

Tomura stood next to Y/n who was taking in the breathtaking sight.

Y/n: Let's be off. I'm short on time. ^The AST tryouts are in only a few days.^

Tomura: Right young master.

Y/n: What's with the young master? Though I don't mind it.

Tomura: You'll see soon enough. I'm going to make sure this ship doesn't float off somewhere. There are Some people waiting for you on the beach.

Y/n: Mn.

Y/n jumped off the vessel and made his way to the people in the distance. There were three people in total. Two clad in black similar to Tomura. And one in the middle of the two is an old man with a cane dressed in a kimono with his hair tied back. He also had a long goatee that was about 15cm long he kept on stroking with two fingers.

Y/n: ^These two seem powerful, can't say much for the old man.^ Sup, are you the people that wanted to meet me?

The two men clad in black dropped on one knee and bowed.

Unknown men: Greetings Young master.

Old man: So you are that same feeble boy who was here all those years ago.

Y/n: I have no Idea what you are talking about.

Old man: Y/n Saigai Heir to the Saigai throne.

Y/n: Heir?

The old man grumbled.

Old man: Did your father not tell you that he was born from the main branch of the family?

Y/n: He didn't get the chance to tell me. He di- no he was killed.

Old man: A shame. Come boy we have much to talk about. This is not the place to talk about such things.

Y/n: You've got a lot of explaining to do kidnapping me and all.

Man clad in black: Sorry young master I assume Tomura was gentle with you I presume.

Y/n: Gentle? That guy? He doesn't know the meaning of gentle, in what world do you call dislocating someone's arm gentle?

Although you could not see the man's face you could tell he was in distress. Both of them instantly went to the ground and prostrated.

Men clad in balck: Our deepest apologies. Tomura has always been.. Difficult, but we never thought he would go so far as to hurt the young master. Due to our limited abilities we were forced to hand over the responsibility of locating you to him.

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