Epilogue of arc I. Chapter 28 Reflecting on the past. Part 2

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Y/n worked tirelessly over the next few days to create as many crystals as he could. His limit was two a day. He spent twelve hours on creating the crystals, spending the rest of it resting. He repeated this process for five days straight.

While Y/n was working on creating his crystals. Ratatoskr monitored him, as well as Shido's numerous dates. By the fourth day the Sphere had shrunk to a tenth of its size due to the frustration of the spirits being soothed and Y/n taking the energy away.


Kotori: Good progress Shido.

Shido: So that leaves Tohka then the sphere should disappear. What's been happening with the demon spirit?

Kotori removed her lollipop from her mouth making a pop sound.

Kotori: He has a pattern of absorbing the energy for half a day then he disappears into his portal and appears again after another twelve hours. By my calculations he should be back at seven pm. Which is more than enough time for you to finish your date with Tohka.

Shido: Yeah.


Back to Y/n.

Y/n was currently getting dressed and while connecting his voice changer to his throat.

Motor san: You can rest a little longer. It's only Five O'clock.

Y/n: We don't have time. I'm sure Shido and the others have noticed that sphere and have seen me hanging around the area. It's time I stop being so discreet I'll change the energy into crystals during the day. We never know what their plans might be, they may be working on a plan of making it disappear.

Motor san: Yeah it has way less energy than I thought it did. It shrunk pretty quickly.

Y/n: I was thinking the exact same thing when I first started. It was much too much for me to handle.

Motor san: Maybe their plan has already begun.

Y/n: Exactly let's get a move on.


Y/n was flying in the clouds in his astral armour with lightning outlining him. His silver wing sliced through the air, splitting the air in half wherever he went.

Motor san: What's the rush? Save your energy you need enough to make your crystals.

Y/n: I just have a bad feeling. Plus speaking of bad things, what's with that light it looks a bit problematic.

 Plus speaking of bad things, what's with that light it looks a bit problematic

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Y/n came to a halt bewildered by the bright ball of light.

Y/n: The energy.. Is it morphing?

Motor san: But into what that's the real question.

Motor san: But into what that's the real question

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