Johanna Mason [Reclaimed] ✓

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Johanna's shoes slipped off of her feet and her toes buried into cold sand, the grains tumbling over one another as they smoothed across her skin. She stared down at them until they stopped moving, the wind ruffling her shoulder length hair, before she lifted her gaze to the softly crashing waves in front of her. The explosion of them as they collapsed into the shore met her ears in time with the gusts of wind on her face, and she breathed the cool, salty air in. Her heart pounding silently in her chest as she looked out into the horizon, where blue ocean met a melting sky. 

Slowly, she took a step forward and then another and another, one foot after the other until the soft sand turned solid and damp. Johanna froze; she was closer now, she had worked so hard. A large wave rolled in, absorbing some of the others and swelling in size, before crashing onto the beach. Johanna's feet scurried back, back onto dry land, as the wave crawled closer - pushing itself toward to her - before being dragged back into the ocean. The tiny grains of sand going with it. She could hear her heart in her ears, erratic yet familiar, and her throat bobbed as she swallowed down her unease. 

It was just her; and the ocean, and the sand, and the wind, and - Johanna held out her hand - you. You; her friend, her lover, and her safety. Her fingers wrapped around yours as she closed her tired eyes. She had worked too hard, and like a newborn deer, she tried again; one foot after the other, again and again. Until that wave came again, crawling toward her, though this time she was too far in to run back now, and bitterly-cold water ran over her feet, splashing her ankles and spraying icy droplets over her thighs. A gasp left her lips as every nerve shuddered, shocked by the sudden change, and her head screamed at her to hide, to run, to get away. But nothing happened. 

Johanna's chest heaved with laboured breaths and then she turned to you. A smile on her face. She screamed into the space above; finally free. With her arms outstretched and her eyes closed as she embraced the feeling. Tears sprung to her eyes and rolled down her pale skin, staining her cheeks. She had done it. 

The wind ruffled her shoulder length hair as she held you close, her feet buried in ocean waves.

28/04/23 {Words: 417}

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