Addison Montgomery [History] ✓

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The violin and piano of the orchestra began the music and you heard the rustle of friends and family turning in their seat. You were getting married. With one final big breath, you opened your eyes to see your father smiling at you with tears in his eyes as he held out his arm for you to take. You wrapped your arm around his before the two of you began to walk toward the hall, all heads turned to you and you couldn't help the smile that sprung onto your lips when you saw everyone. All of your friends and family and all of her friends and family, together in one place. You were going to marry Addison Montgomery.

Addison Montgomery, you could still remember the first time you had met as if it were yesterday; you were both at Yale for pre-med and she had sat next to you in biology:

"Hi, can I sit here?" You quickly turned up to the voice and at seeing someone so close you realised that they were talking about the seat next to you.

"Yeah," you replied sheepishly, your voice rising a few octaves as you fumbled to remove your bag and books from the desk. You diverted your eyes away from the person as they settled down and focused on the colourful edges of your notebook. 

"I'm Addison." You looked to the person next to you and nearly choked on your own breath. She was gorgeous, red hair framed a perfect face, blue eyes stared expectedly at you -so blue you felt that you were swimming- and her lips stretched in a warm smile. Your heart was beating out of your chest. She held out her hand and you took it, hoping that your hand wouldn't feel too warm.

"Y/n," you introduced yourself with a smile back before returning to staring at your books.

"So, where are you from, Y/n?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at her in shock, you hadn't expected her to talk to you, let alone actually get to know you. And that was the beginning of your friendship. The two of you had gotten closer and closer through your time at Yale, before a kiss had changed it all. 

You had gone over to her place to study for your upcoming exam and you were lying on her floor, your notes and books stacked in messy piles. It was late and you were getting tired from sitting on the floor so you had moved next to her on her bed. You were on you back, your legs dangling over the edge with your hands covering your eyes and Addison was staring at you with a smile on her face. She had fallen for you, something she had never expected to happen, but it did and it scared her ever so slightly. If you were a guy, she'd know what to do, she would know what to say, know how to act. However, you weren't a guy; you were Y/n and she really, really did not want to mess up what you two had.

"You are sleeping round tonight, right?" Addison questioned you as she stared out of the window, the moon staring in from its place in the dark sky. You hummed back and Addison turned her head back to you. You were already half asleep and she caught her lip between her teeth to suppress a laugh before sliding off her bed and walking to stand in front of you. "Come on," she began and grabbed your hands with hers, "let's get ready for bed," and she pulled you to sit upright, no aid coming from your side. 

You mumbled incoherently under your breath as you hung your head, Addison chuckled as you and pushed your head up lightly by cupping your cheeks. Your eyes met hers and you were stuck in a trance. Your faces were so close and you could feel her soft breath floating over your skin. Her smile had fallen and her pupils were dilated due to the darkening room. You watched intently as they flicked from your eyes down to your lips and you felt yourself gasp lightly, your heart pounding and threatening to fall out of your chest. 

"Addie," you whispered, you didn't know why you said it, but you were glad that you did because she leaned forward and pressed her lips against yours. It was short, it was soft, it was perfect. The two of you pulled away slightly and you watched as she opened her eyes and a smile overcome her features. You were in love.

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