Tom Riddle [Power] ✓

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You stood silently to the side of Tom - Lord Voldemort, he'd much prefer you to refer him to as, but it was just out of habit, Tom was - as he sat at the head of his table of Death Eaters. Discussing his growing power and the obliteration of the Muggle world and the steps needed to successfully obtain his dictatorship. You saw Tom turn to you and you bent slightly to hear what he whispered in your ear; you could feel the eyes of his followers on you and you swallowed nervously. You nodded your head before standing upright and all eyes left you and returned to Tom, except for one. You felt them boring into you and you scanned the dark room for them until your eyes locked with those of Bellatrix Lestrange. You saw the shadows move across her face as her jaw clenched and you let out a shaky breath. To say you were worried was an understatement, everyone in this room was powerful and most likely psychotic to a certain degree, but Bellatrix Lestrange was satanic; and you had caught her attention.

You remained by Tom's side for a few more moments before you heard a clock chime, echoing from somewhere else in the building, and excused yourself silently from the room with a light touch to his shoulder. Bellatrix's hard stare did not go unnoticed by Tom as they followed you out of the door.

You watched as Tom and all his Death Eaters filtered out of the room and held out the book he had requested out to him.

"How did it go?" He questioned as he flicked through the thin pages and you felt his arm against yours as he stood close.

"Not too well, she won't speak," you mumbled and looked down at your hands, her blood still trapped under your fingernails. 

"She will, in time," he nodded still flicking through the pages. "Leave her alone for another day," he ordered and you nodded in agreement before leaving to clean up. Tom watched you from above his book and, curiously, Bellatrix following you from the shadows. His eyes squinted with suspicion and soon left after the two of you in a slow stroll. In only a few seconds he could already hear your muffled cries and his pace only hastened slightly, a light smirk pulling at a corner of his lips.

Tom came to the door of the bathroom to find you squirming and writhing on the cold ground, tears bleaching your cheeks, your hands bound and your lips pressed together in a tight line. Bellatrix stood over you and he watched until your eyes opened to find him.

"Although, Bellatrix," he began, announcing himself as he presented himself from the door, "I admire your skill and your ways," Tom walked passed the woman to lift you from your torture and held you close to his side, "Y/n, is not yours for the taking. She is mine and you will not afflict her in any way or you know what will happen." You heard Tom warn her as he pushed passed her with you and you saw your vision blur before being plunged into darkness. 

16/02/23 {Words: 534}

Thank you to @voldylaughs for requesting!

Thank you to @voldylaughs for requesting!

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