Sirius Black [Snuffles] ✓

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Due to some certain activities becoming more and more regular on the train, Dumbledore thought it would be best if there was at least one Professor patrolling the train. You agreed, and now you found yourself watching as everyone boarded the train. For the majority of your time, you stood out on Platform 9 so the first years could easily find their way. It wasn't until there was only around ten minutes left before the train departed that you stepped through the threshold. You watched as students piled into the train, waving their parents goodbye before disappearing from the windows to find their friends. 

You checked the time; everyone should be on by now. That was when a large group ran through the wall. You smiled, it was the Weasley's, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and a few more you hadn't expected to see. Mad-Eye Moody, the old defence against the dark arts teacher Remus Lupin, an old woman, and a dog. "Hi Harry," you greeted with a smile. 

"Professor Y/l/n, hello," he smiled back, "what're you doing here?" He questioned.

"Patrol duty, Dumbledore thought it'd be best, and who's this?" You asked, your attention focusing on the dog sat by his feet.

"Oh, his name's Snuffles," you didn't see the smirk spread across his face as you knelt down to pet the shaggy dog, nor the snickers of the others as you talked to him.

"Hello Snuffles," you grinned as you scratched at his ear. "You're so handsome," you complimented and his tail wagged from side to side. "What a good boy you are," you cooed as you continued to pet him. You looked up at the clock in front of you and sighed as you stood up. "Well, the train's about to leave. Hopefully I see you all again," you smile nodding at everyone before your eyes fell onto the dog again. "Byee everyone, bye Snuffles." You gave him one last pat on the head and you heard a chorus of goodbyes before you disappeared into the bustling crowds. As soon as you were gone, everyone let out a light chuckle. No one could see that Sirius was blushing underneath all his fur, his tail continuing to wag as if you were still petting him.


You stood out of Grimmauld Place numbers ten and thirteen, your eyebrows knitted together with confusion, along with Mad-Eye Moody and Tonks. Moody quickly turned to you and hastily showed you a piece of paper, which read 'The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve Grimmauled Place, London', before quickly burning it to ash. And then, before your eyes, a third house began to squeeze its way between the two others. You felt the thwack of Moody's cane against your legs and quickly walked to catch up with Tonks. 

When you stepped inside of the house, your face lit up when you noticed Snuffles sitting close by the door. You greeted him as if he were your closest friend and spent the majority of your free time with him on the floor, giving him lots and lots of well-deserved attention.  

"Come on Y/l/n, time for the meeting." Moody grunted as he limped past. 

"Bye Snuffles," you pouted as you stood up not wanting to leave him, "are you coming with?" you asked when he, too, stood up. Your question was answered when he tailed you as you walked to the meeting, "Okay then." You entered the dining room and sat next to Tonks. You watched intently as Snuffles sat by you on the floor. "Is he allowed in here?" You said, turning to Tonks.

"Course he is, he's just a dog." She replied. You smile and pet Snuffles' head, unaware to Remus lightly shaking his head at Tonks with a smirk on his face. Soon enough, everyone else in the Order arrives, beckoned in by Molly. You watch as she surveys the table her eyes landing on an empty seat to which her eyes flick over to you. You sat still; Molly was not someone you wanted to mess with.

"Don't be daft, Sirius." She scolded and you swear you heard Snuffles huff out a sigh before trotting over to the other side of the table. You watch as he grows and grows, transforming into a man. That man being infamous Sirius Black. You stare dumbfounded as he takes a seat, Sirius catches your eye and throws you a wink. A light pink blush spreads across your cheeks, and you quickly turn away to focus on the rest of the meeting. Your heart beating wildly inside your chest. You just told Sirius Black that he was a good boy...

20/04/22 {Words: 775}

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