Carol Danvers [My Airman] ✓

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"Today's the day," a boy, walking the fine line of being regarded as a man, slapped Carol over the shoulders with a giant grin on his face. "You excited, Danvers?" Carol smacked his arms off and his ever so contagious grin presented itself onto her own lips.

"Course I am," she smiled, "anyone coming to tap you out, Small." Graduation day: one of the top things that got Carol through the eight and half weeks of rigorous training.

"The whole family's coming," he shrugged with a proud smile, "you?" Carol couldn't help her fast growing smile as she thought about it.

"Just Y/n," she smirked looking down to fold a shirt. The boy raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to get a better look at his comrade before chuckling at her, teasing her, it was all the same.

"Ohh the famous lover, do we finally get to meet her?" Another joined in and Carol glared at him.

"I hope to steer her away as far as possible from you lot," she teased, "especially Lepley over there." The boy named Lepley turned to look as he heard his name. "Yeah, I'm talking about you, pretty boy." She nodded before he sauntered over.

"What're we on about?" Lepley questioned.

"Carol's girl," King replied half-heartedly, you had been the topic of many conversations, and still he didn't know if you really existed.

Lepley shook his head, "Danvers does not have a girl, there is no way," there was a chorus of groans from the rest and put his hands up in defence, "I know, I know, we've been over this before, but even if we say you do have a wife there is absolutely no way she is as pretty as you say she is."

"Awwh someone jealous, Lepley? You'll have your first kiss soon, don't you worry about it." She lightly smacked his jaw twice and winked at him before leaving the laundry room with her pile of neatly folded clothes. In less than five hours you'd be back in her arms again. She couldn't wait to see you, were you as excited as she was? She hoped so.


Today was the day: Carol's graduation day. The last eight and a half weeks had been some of the loneliest days you had experienced and you couldn't be more excited to finally be in her arms once again. You had been up early this morning, preparing for your trip, making sure you'd be on time. Carol's favourite sundress hung from the door as you did your makeup from the bathroom, applying clear mascara today because you knew there would be waterworks. You raced around the house as you got ready and your cat, Buttons, and Carol's dog, Rufus, sat watching you with lazy curiosity.

After an hour, you were mostly ready, your makeup was done, you were in the dress, and you had just finished your breakfast. You collected all of your things into your arms and struggled your way through the front door and toward your car. You made sure to pack Carol's favourite snacks, as well as Maria's, into the car and a few pillows; it was going to be a long drive. The driver's door slammed shut and your hands rested on the steering wheel; you were definitely forgetting something. What were you forgetting? With a sigh, you left the car and went back into the house, your eyes searching.

Buttons ran at you, screaming. "I've already fed you, you don't need any more food, round man," you muttered as you knelt down to stroke him. He brushed himself against your leg and that was when you noticed your shoes, or, more importantly, your lack of shoes. You had left the house in slippers. Your eyes flicked to the clock hanging on the wall and they widened. As quickly as you could, you ran upstairs and filed through your shoes and your sock drawer. Hopping down the stairs as you struggled to put them on, you tied your laces at the bottom and grabbed your keys from the table before walking around the corner toward the door, and that was when you stopped.

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