Johanna Mason [District 13] ✓

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You were in District 13, you had gotten there by some miraculous chance - a right time, right crowd kind of chance; or maybe you really weren't meant to be there at all.  The first week had felt like a fever dream, the technology, the bleak clothing, the scheduling and the unfamiliarity of it all, District 13 wasn't supposed to exist and you, of all people, definitely shouldn't of known that it did. You, not from the buried district or from District 12 and not a victor or an important person of the rebellion, did not know a single face as you travelled from one area to another.

You had the feeling that you had slipped through their gaps, you felt completely invisible to them, you didn't know anyone and they didn't know you. You weren't being watched or they would have come in to help you by now; you were lost. Again. If the newcomers had some sort of tour, you hadn't been apart of it or you wouldn't be in the mess you found yourself in. You wandered around aimlessly, you knew that you most likely wouldn't find anyone until the next rotation in the schedule. 

Every corridor and hallway looked the same, grey and bleak, just like your clothes, you slid down the wall and sat on the floor, your legs outstretched as you closed your eyes. Maybe you were being watched. They seemed to really love their schedules and you were definitely not complying to them at that moment; they would probably notice a missing person, you did have a schedule. You let out a loud sigh and rested your head against the cold concrete, hopefully you'd get back to your cell soon.

The smell of home wafted through every sense before you noticed the gentle rumble of a... hovercraft? Your eyes snapped open and you quickly got up from the floor, hissing in pain as you rubbed your sore muscles, and wobbled your way over to the sound. To your relief, and dismay, it wasn't long until you came across the source, if you had only walked around the corner you would have been redirected back onto your schedule long ago. 

People were too wrapped up in their own business to notice you getting closer and closer to the craft. You squinted into the distance as its platform lowered, your heart clenching painfully when you saw familiar wetsuits. Johanna. Your eyes were wide as you walked faster and faster, your heart beating so rapidly you were scared it would fall out of your chest. One person cladded in the wetsuit left the craft and then another and another and then it began to close, what? You began to feel ill, your stomach twisting and churning into tight knots. 

"No, no, no," you chanted as you moved into hearing distance. They were all looking at you now, no longer invisible. Hands wrapped around you, securing you from moving forward, and you struggled against them, tears springing to your eyes as your chants turned to shouts; you probably looked crazy. Your eyes searched the two: Beetee, Finnick. You lunged at him, your hands pushing at his chest before you were pulled back.

"Where is she!? You were meant to keep her safe, I thought you were friends," you screamed with an accusing finger as you were dragged back like a savage animal. Your tears blurred your vision, you had let yourself hope and now you were being let down, and you couldn't handle it. You had felt too alone and all you wanted was her. 
"Where's Johanna!? Where is she, where is she? Don't tell me she's dead," you shook your head as you pushed back against the pulling hands. "She was supposed to come back! So where is she?" You jumped at him, hands like claws in front of you, hot tears staining your cheeks. Suddenly, the hands locked down around your arms, legs, waist, head. You felt the fabric of your jumpsuit rip at your upper arm, a sharp prick stung you followed by the feeling of cold liquid spreading through your muscles. The hands loosened.
You shook your head lightly, "No, no. Johanna, where's Johanna? I want- I want to see her, please," you begged and choked out as you felt the world begin to collapse. "Johanna, Johanna, Joha- Jo..."

Finnick stared at your, now calm, body slumped against the ground, rigidly. He exchanged a look with the people around him, shocked. He didn't know who you were and, by the looks of the others, no one knew either. Who were you, and how did you know Johanna? Did you even know her? Johanna had never mentioned you.

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