Bellatrix Lestrange [Young lovers] ✓

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You panicked. Heart pounding out of your chest and thrumming in your ears, you stumbled through the hallways of Hogwarts, knuckles white as you clutched your wand. Your face was smeared with mud or blood or a sick combination of both, you couldn't tell. You looked left and right, tending to every person you could find. You were a mediwitch studying under Madam Pomfrey in Hogwarts, who you had begged to stay far away from here, but the stubborn woman she was, remained by McGonagall's side. Finally, you made it out of the school and out into the courtyard where you were met with a stream of green light whizzing past you and hitting a student you hadn't noticed was following you. You let out a choked gasp as you stared down at the poor boy who had been hit by the killing curse; you looked back up to see a wild woman, with equally as wild hair, and deep brown eyes you knew all too well with her pointy wand in hand and a cruel smirk displayed across her lips.

"Bellatrix?" You hummed as you felt the bed dip underneath her weight. "Bella?" You tried again after she didn't respond. You moved your way to her and sat beside her, "Bella, is everything all right?" you asked her quietly before wrapping an arm around her waist. As soon as you touched her, Bellatrix collapsed and tears streamed down her cheeks. "Oh- Bella," You began, you had never seen her so upset, and you brought her into your embrace. "Whatever it is, I'll be right here and-" Tears racked through Bellatrix and you held onto her tightly as she hiccupped and sniffled, offering her words of encouragement and endearment. You thread your fingers through her curly hair and played with it as she calmed down.

"I- I'm getting married." Bellatrix choked out, her voice hoarse and raspy and you felt her grip onto you tighter, fearing that you might slip away. You felt as if your heart had stopped beating, as if the world had suddenly stopped turning. You knew this would happen, sooner or later. An inevitable thing that you wish you could push away until the very last moment. A marriage, arranged by her parents, to preserve the purity of their blood. It was probably that Lestrange boy, another pure-blood Slytherin, he's had his eyes on Bella for a while. You wanted to crush him, burn his bones to ash, so he would never lay a finger on your Bellatrix.

You moved away from her and cupped her tear-stained cheeks, your heads resting against each other as you stared into her brown eyes. You wiped her cheeks and smiled weakly before planting a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. "My beautiful, beautiful Bella," you whispered as you tucked a strand of soft, wild her behind her ear, "I'll always love you." 

"I want to stay with you forever." She mumbled.

"I wish we could."

Your frightened eyes lock onto her wild ones and, for a brief moment, her gaze softened before they returned back to their wicked grin. Bellatrix's wand is pointed at you in a matter of moments, but you were quick to respond with a protection spell. You felt your heart pang with hurt, had she changed so much that she was willing to kill you? The answer was yes, she threw curse after curse at you, backing you up as she trod forward, a fire in her eye you wished that you could ignore. Before finally, you hit the wall and she cast the killing curse without a seconds hesitation. Green struck your chest and you collapsed, dead on the cold ground and Bellatrix already moving on to her next victim. Never sparing you a second glance. Her love lied with her lord, not with anyone else and that included you.

10/03/22 {Words: 640}

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