Severus Snape [Dance with me] ✓

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Your warm breath puffed out into the cold air in cloudy blooms as you tear off your gloves and push a key into the lock. You step inside your shared home and your eyes adjust to the dark interior before throwing your gloves to the table to your side. You can hear the muffled sound of music and you venture deeper into the house.

"Severus?" You called out as you got closer to the music, no answer, you pushed open the door to the living room and saw him. The gramophone played softly in the corner and Severus stood in the middle with a hand outstretched offered toward you.

"Dance with me," it was not a question and you let your overcoat fall to the ground, pooling at your feet, and took his hand; his warm touch thawing your icy skin. Severus sent you a soft smile as his other wrapped around your waist and pulled you in closer toward him. The two of you swayed to the slow beat of the record as it spun and your head rested on his chest.

"Are you leaving now?" -Leaving not going because going meant he was off somewhere mundane and coming back- you questioned him softly not moving away from your embrace.

"Yes," he answered and he felt a lump form in his throat.

"Okay," you began with a whisper so quiet you could barely hear yourself. "I won't make it any harder for you, Severus. I love you so much, you remember that now," you felt him nod and you closed your eyes, his steady heartbeat sounding through your ears. The two of you swayed until the needle stopped and you stood, unmoving, for a moment before you pulled away from him and brought him down for a simple but sweet kiss. 

"Don't come and save me, you've already done that more times than I can count," he began and you felt your eyes sting, "keep yourself safe and out of harm's way, or all I've done will be for nothing," you looked up at him with mournful eyes, he was the handsomest man you had ever seen with a heart so big and no one knew it, and you wished he would come back safe. "You know I can't promise that," he whispered before pressing a kiss to your head and stepping backward, and he was gone.

23/01/23 {Words: 398}

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