Addison Montgomery [Late night shifts] ✓

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Addison sighed, a frown overcoming her features, as she looked up at the clock. Another late night, and she couldn't help but think of you. Almost every night you had to go to sleep all on your own, without the comfort of your girlfriend. To say she felt bad was an understatement; some nights she finds you in bed, cushioned by all the pillows on the bed. And other times, she finds you fast asleep on a chair, a failed attempt at waiting for her. It warmed her heart, nonetheless.

Shrugging off her white coat she stuffed it into her locker and removed the grip that was holding up her hair. Red locks untwisted from the updo and fell onto her shoulders, and she threaded a hand through the knots. Chucking the grip onto the coat and softly closing the locker door, she rested her head against the cold metal, with a thud, and closed her hers. Hospitals were always so bright.

"Addison." The sound was quick and hushed as someone walked closer towards her. "Addison." The voice tried again. "Addie-" the voice placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her carefully. Addison woke up with a jolt to see Derek in front of her and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You fell asleep," he waved a hand to the locker, "standing up." Addison grumbled, she was so tired that even closing her eyes for a second sent her to sleep and she had wasted more time without you. "C'mon, I'll drive you home?" She gave him a smile and nodded her head; she was in no condition to drive.

Addison pushed open the car door and stepped out, her right hand was placed steadily on the door as she slightly bent her knees to look at Derek. "Thank you," she smiled tucking a piece of blowing hair behind her ear, "I really appreciate it." She gave him a final nod and shut the car door; he smiled at her through the window before driving off.

She took the lift up to her floor and her keys jangled as she pushed it into the lock. And with a click, the door flew open. It was dark, and quiet so she closed the door with as little sound as possible and placed her keys into the bowl. Addison flicked on the lights and was met with a small cat sitting patiently in front of her. The cat let out a loud meow, to which she began to shush. "Shoo, shoo." She whispered waving a hand at it. She wasn't too keen on the cat, and never got to know it due to her work, but it was yours and you got lonely so she allowed it. She never understood why you got a cat, in her eyes a dog seemed so much better. As if it could read her mind, the cat began to swat at her hand. Quickly pulling away, she grumbled at it and shook her head. Maybe she'd never know.

Addison shuffled her way across the floor to your bedroom and flicked the lights off before coming into the room. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the dark, she sees you, peacefully sleeping in bed. You body rising and falling in time with your breathing. A small smile finds its way onto her lips, she can't help it. She's so in love. Too tired to shower, she quickly undresses into her pyjamas and slips in beside you; careful not to wake you. She wriggled into the duvet and began to relax once she had found herself successful, but then you start to move. Her breath hitched in her throat and she could feel her heart drumming in her chest.

Somehow, in your sleep, you had felt her next to you and unconsciously turn to hug into her. A quiet 'Addie' mumbles past your lips, and through the rumble of traffic outside she heard it. Addison looks down at you, adoration present in her eyes and a loving smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She didn't know what she had done to deserve you, but she was happy that, in that moment, you were hers. 

08/12/21 {Words: 699}

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