Arizona Robbins & Callie Torres [Did you just ...?] ✓

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You were leaning idly against the reception talking to your friend, Callie, when Arizona came into view. Absentmindedly, your gaze gravitated toward her and flicked up and down. You heard a loud gasp and quickly looked up at your friend, her eyes wide with shock; you were screwed.

"Did you just-"

"No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I promise!" You rambled out with a harsh whisper as you attempted to not catch anyone's attention. Callie smiled in disbelief, eyebrows raised just like she always does, as she stared at you.

"You just checked out my girlfriend." She stated, astounded by what she had just witnessed. Your face was in your palms as you mumbled out another apology.

"I promise I didn't mean to, Callie, it was an accident, I'm sorry! I didn't even know I did it until you gasped." You blushed as you attempted to explain yourself.

"Hi!" Your eyes widened and a smirk grew on Callie's face. Arizona. You shook your head rapidly as Callie's smirk grew, your eyes pleading, as you silently begged her not to say a thing.

"You wouldn't believe what Y/n here just did," Callie started and glared at her with malice, god she was gonna pay for this.

Arizona turned her gaze to you, her blue eyes staring into yours, "what did you do?" She questioned you teasingly with a cheeky smile.

"Nothing," you pleaded, begging for Callie not to expose you. Callie looked down at you with a smirk and you knew you were done for, "Nothinggg I didn't do anything," you pleaded once again to no avail.

"She," Callie paused to nod her head at you, "just checked you out." You watched feebly as Arizona's eyebrows raised and you pretended to be interested in something elsewhere. You head her chuckle and your eyes focused back on her.

"Have you got a little crush on me, Y/n?" She questioned teasingly and all you wanted to do was to run away. "I don't mind it's quite a confidence boost," she smirked and stared into your eyes with her intensely blue ones, "You're not so bad yourself." You felt your jaw fall open and you stuttered over your words, more like your lack of words, before shutting your mouth and keeping quiet. "Anyways I gotta go, see ya," she pecked Callie on the cheek before sending you wink and walking out of view. 

"Damn, I am one lucky woman," you head Callie mumble to herself, and that she was. 

23/11/22 {Words: 415}

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