Kate Bishop [Lucky Part 2] ✓

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You stood, giddy, outside of the coffee shop; your breath visible in plumes of white as you tried to hide your face in your scarf to warm your face. It was near 8AM and the sky looked as if it were the middle of the night, slush squelched underneath your shoes as you stepped from side-to-side and snow fell lightly in small clumps. It had snowed more than you had expected last night and, to your surprise, it was still snowing.

Your eyes searched the many faces walking past for the one you were meeting. This morning Kate had sent you a text reading: 'Morning! Are you still up for coffee?' You still couldn't believe it, it all felt so surreal - last night you had bumped into her, well her dog had knocked you over, but it was all the same in retrospect, and she had asked you out. For coffee that was. Was it a date? No. You couldn't do that to yourself, not when your small (big) crush on her was still.. lingering.

A familiar face poked up through the crowd and waved at you. You couldn't help the smile that forced its way upon your lips at seeing her.

Kate watched as your face lit up when your eyes had landed on her and she felt her heart stutter. Nervousness suddenly invaded every sense as she awkwardly made her way to you. If you could tell that she was nervous, you didn't do anything to let her know that you knew, and quickly embraced in a welcoming hug.

"Let's get inside, it's chilly out here," you grinned as you let her go. Kate instantly felt herself relax as she followed your lead.

The café was warm. So warm you instantly began to shed the layers once you had found a place to sit.


You didn't know where all the time had gone. The sun was now higher in the bright, winter sky and the snow had partly melted in the face of the glowing sun. 

The two of you had long finished your pastries and hot drinks, passing the time with perpetual chatter; the two of you had a lot to catch up on. You stared at the brunette, a warm smile on your face, as she animatedly told you about Lucky and what he had done last night. You couldn't help but laugh once she had told you that she thought you had passed out from the fall. 

"I was down for quite a while, wasn't I?" You grinned and she nodded her head, amusement sparkling in her blue eyes. "How's your archery?" You asked, a playful smirk on your face, which told Kate that you hadn't forgotten about a small archery related incident.

"It's a lot better now," she started, jabbing at your question, "I actually have a teacher now. He's really cool."


"Yeah. It actually took him a while to warm up to me, he did not want to teach me at all in the first place. I'd say we're actually really good friends now," she grinned celebratorily and you breathed out a light laugh. 

"Are you still reading?" She questioned. Nearly every time she saw you around school, you had a book in your hand. You felt your face warm at the question.

"Yeah.." you smiled abashedly. You were always slightly embarrassed to admit that you read, always having been teased about it - although most of it lighthearted.

"Wh-" Kate began, but was interrupted.

"I'm so sorry, but I've just been told to ask you to leave as we're really busy and could use the table." The two of you looked at each other with wide eyes before quickly getting up from your seats and collecting all of your things.

"No, no, of course, it's no problem at all," you smiled at the poor waitress who had to kick you out. "We had a lovely time."

"Again, I'm really sorry about this," the waitress apologised nervously, lip between her teeth.

"It's no problem, thank you," you smiled and left the café.

Kate stood beside you, pulling her hat over her ears before turning to you with a smile, "Are you free? Cause if you are we could go to the new museum?"

"Yeah, I'd love to," and then you feel her link her arm with yours and guide you towards the museum. The first few steps were out of sync and a bubble of laughter escaped you and Kate looked at you from the side with a grin on her face before the two of you eventually found your rhythm.


You're still linked to her, as you walk around the art museum, and you can feel her warmth radiating you.

"Tell me about your book," Kate says softly and you turn your head, quickly to look at her; her eyes are still on the sculpture, but yours are on her and you swear you're staring at her with heart-eyes. When you don't reply, Kate turns to you and sees you swiftly turn to look at the sculpture. You can feel your cheeks warm before you start to talk.

You tell her all about the book, all of her questions answered, as the two of you wander around the museum. Pausing at every piece, some brief and others maybe a minute or even more. It's a silly romance - your book - it always is, but Kate is hanging onto your every word and it somehow makes you feel more alive than you have been. 

You're both stood in front of a large painting when you feel Kate move to walk on, but then she stops - tugging you back to where you stood. You look at her and she's staring, enthralled. You turn to look back at the painting; it's scenic, a large willow tree takes up most of the frame and the beginning of a pond or lake down in the corner and there's two girls under it. One has a book in hand as she leans against the trunk and the other is laying down, her head in the other's lap as she reads. It's calming, the painting, soft colours are blended only lightly. You can still see the streaks of the paintbrush and the colours are not entirely mixed.

"She looks like you," Kate whispers and you find yourself smiling. And she does - it's uncanny, really. 

"She's got a bow," you whisper back and you watch as Kate's eyes dart around the painting before landing on the mediaeval-looking bow propped up against the side of the tree. The arrows just below it.

"Strange," She mumbles and you nod your head in reply. A small moment but, in just a split second, you felt as if everything had changed.

01/01/24 {Words: 1126}

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