Maria Hill [Corners Part 2] ✓

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You unlocked your door with a click and pulled off your heels as soon as you walked through with a sigh. Today had been awful. You had, yet again, bumped into Maria (which wasn't necessarily a bad thing) which had made you late to your meeting, again. And then, after the meeting was over, you found out that you had forgotten to bring your own lunch so you had to pick at something that resembled food from the canteen. You slammed your door shut and threaded a hand through your hair, you were exhausted.

You checked the time on your watch before taking it off, and that was when a piece of paper slipped from underneath it. You stared, wide-eyed, as it fluttered to the floor and instantly thought back to papers from earlier that day. Hastily, you picked up off from the floor and peeled it open. Your jaw dropped when you read it:

'I knew I'd bump into you sooner or later'

~Maria's number~

How the hell had she managed that?

19/04/22 {Words: 170}

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