Arizona Robbins & Callie Torres [Close call] ✓

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You let out a loud gasp. Your eyes wide and brimming with tears - though not from pain, you were still in shock and the adrenaline was coursing through your veins. You had been shot. Actually been shot. You stared at the entry wound only a few centimetres below your right collarbone, oozing blood. 

Suddenly, a hand scrambled over your shoulder and pressed, hard, against the puncture. You let out a sharp hiss and looked to your side to see an angry Karev. His eyebrows furrowed and his face turning red as he spoke at you. You looked at him vacantly. 

"Are you stupid!? You could have died," he yelled quietly, but you could hear the troubled twinge in his words. "Are you even listening?" Alex paused as he searched yours eyes before you nodded, the action so small he would have missed it if he hadn't been focused solely on you. Alex grabbed your hand and pressed it against your wound, "Hold pressure," he ordered as he straightened to pull his scrub top off and you watched as he balled the fabric and pushed it under your hand.

A small head caught your attention from behind him- "Riley," you whispered and the young boy peeked out from hiding behind his hands, his brown eyes wider than you had ever seen before, "it's okay, Riley, I'm okay- see? Just a little blood, nothing you haven't seen before," you smiled at him and you saw the boy nod his head. 

You turned to Alex beside you, "Hold him," you whispered, "he's scared." Noiselessly, Alex moved over to the boy and held out his arms to which the boy climbed into almost immediately. Alex Karev would make an excellent peds doctor, he had a way with kids, an understanding, that only so many had. He carefully took a seat on the lift floor beside you, Riley's arms around his neck as his small head rested on his shoulder. You stared at the metal door in front of you and sighed, "they're locked, aren't they?" Alex only nodded his head in response.

It had been hours since you had been shot and you were all still trapped inside the lift. Riley had only wanted to go on a trip around the hospital. Your eyes fluttered, fighting, to stay open and you felt the goosebumps travel up your arms toward the back of your neck. You shivered. Karev noticed. You didn't. Alex's eyes widened as he took in your appearance; you were losing too much blood.

"Y/n." He said as he shook your shoulder, you only hummed in response, the makeshift gauze fell easily and he cursed lightly underneath his breath. He looked at your wound, still oozing blood. Those doors needed to open. Alex looked around the lift for signs of anything that could help, his heart beating so loud he could hear it. He gritted his teeth, he didn't want it to come to this.

"Riley," he started and the boy lifted his head from his shoulder, "I need you to do an important job for me, okay?" Alex nodded his head and Riley did the same. "I need you to hold this down," he showed him the cloth, "just like I'm doing, okay?" Riley was hesitant and so Alex guided his hands down and showed him how much pressure he needed. "Okay?"

"Okay," Riley replied and Alex leapt over to the doors. His shaky hands fumbled as they pushed against each of the buttons with a loud click. Alex paused to curse under his breath, hands on his hips before he smashed his fists against the metal door - at first in annoyance, but then over and over again with desperation. The sound echoed around the small box, ringing. His fists felt hot and his heart burned; he couldn't let you die in there. 

"Doctor Alex!!" Riley screamed, barely audible over the banging. Alex's head whipped around to see Riley's tear-stained face, his hands still holding pressure, but your chest had stopped rising. He scrambled over to you and pressed an ear to your heart - nothing. He wrapped one hand over the other and pumped your chest rhythmically. "Is she dead?" Riley whispered.

"No! Not today, I won't let her," Alex huffed as he worked to start your heart again. After so many pumps he tilted your head back and forced air into your lungs before going back to the chest compressions. Beads of sweat collected at his hairline and his breathing fast enough to use up all of the oxygen within the lift. With one final breath he pushed an ear to your chest and let out a dramatic sigh of relief as he slumped into himself over you. "God damnit, Y/n." He quietly croaked out and the room fell into a heavy silence. 

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