All I've had gotten from you is disappointment

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Arriving home finally, felt like being on the road for hours. "Well." I turned to look at him. "I'm bout fried as hell." He laughed. "I can tell." I said raising my eyebrows. "You sure you can drive off home like this kj." I asked. I was very concerned about his safety. "I'm good, I'm just glad you're home. Your brother will kill me. Literally. if you weren't home." I giggled a bit.

"Yeah, well ima start going. Thanks for the ride anyway." I waved at him. Before I can get to open the door. He ran all over to the passenger side, opening the door with a wide smile on his face. "Thank you. What a gentleman." I said with sarcasm. "Of course." He said putting his hand onto his cheating bowing down to me. "I'm starting to mess with you now kj. I'll admit I was dead wrong about your ass."

"Man, I'm cool peoples for real. Next time your ass ain't always right about somebody. You need to dig a bit more deeper to see who they really are." What he had said stuck onto me for a second. "Yeah, you're right." "And your peoples?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. "It's just me and my cousins. My aunt went onto a trip for work." "Bet." Before I had got to open the door he said something.

"Can I get your phone number." He asked awkwardly. I looked up at him and smiled. "For what." I asked. "Oh, nothing. Just to you know to see if you need someone to hang out with if you're bored. But yeah no pressure fo sho." "Alright. Since your 'cool people's' I quoted with my fingers and input my phone number onto his phone.

Heading inside I seen rue munching on some Oreo cookies. "Someone's hungry." I furrowed my eyebrows. "You want." She offered. "I'm good thanks. You're gonna throw up after all those cookies anyway due to them munchies you have right now." She smiled with her eyes low as hell shrugging. "These are hitting right now." She giggled. Leaving her be I headed into my room.

Gia isn't here. That's weird. I brushed it off and went and got my clothes to get ready for a shower. Getting out the shower I headed to bed. Suddenly I heard knocking on my window. Waking up to the sound bothering me I went to check the time. It was three in the morning. Who the fuck is up knocking on the window. Heading over to the window I see a bright flash.

It was ash. Opening the window I whispered. "What are you doing here." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm bored." He sighs. "Really. Ash go home." I tried shutting the window. he lets out his hand stopping the window from shutting. "Just talk to me miya." He said frustrated. "Ash. I am not going to go and tolerate whatever the fuck you have going on with yourself." I shook my head. "Yeah, okay Im sorry. I fucked up But I'm trying to change."

"I don't know if I can trust you again ash. All I've had gotten from you is disappointment." I sighed.

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