"Crossing realms? Is that all?" Mr Gold questioned.

"Yes, that's all," Regina said.


Ariel stood on the beach, staring at the Evil Queen, who was disguised as Ursula, "You're...real," Ariel said, shocked.

The Evil Queen laughed, "As real as the legs you're standing on," She said.

"I'm sorry if I was rude before, I..." Ariel said.

"My dear sweet child, don't fret. I understand. But you're also in luck. I can help with your...dilemma," The Evil Queen said.

"With Prince Eric? I have to tell him the truth, don't I?" Ariel asked, nervously.

"Bah!" the Evil Queen waved her off, "Your friend was mistaken," She said.

"Are you sure?" Ariel asked.

"Of course I'm sure. If you tell him the truth that you're from two different worlds, he won't accept that...or you," The Evil Queen told her.

"How is this helping again?" Ariel asked, unsure.

"What if I told you that you could keep your legs? That you can walk on land, be a part of his world forever, without ever telling him your secret, that you're a mermaid? Would you be interested?" The Evil Queen said to her.

"Of course!" Ariel said, eagerly and the Evil Queen just laughed to herself.


At the docks, Snow White was sat on the edge when Ariel ran up to her and she looked at her, "What is it?" the princess stood up, "What happened?" Snow White asked her friend.

"Something amazing and not just for me, but for the both of us," Ariel said.

"What are you talking about?" Snow White asked.

"I received a gift," Snow White looked at her confused, "A gift that will allow me to spend the rest of my life with Eric, and a way for you to escape your Evil Queen," Ariel told her.

"How is that possible?" Snow White asked.

"Look," Ariel said as she pulled out a bracelet and put it on her friend's wrist.

"What are you doing?" The princess asked.

"This is no ordinary bracelet," dark green smoke began to engulf Snow White's legs, "Look," Ariel said with a smile.

"Oh!" Snow White said as she stumbled.

"Here," The mermaid said as she helped Snow White stand.

"What's happening? Oh?" the green smoke disappeared, revealing her legs to now be a mermaid tail, "Oh!" Snow White said as she stumbled, but Ariel helped her to the ground.

"You're a mermaid," Ariel said.

"Ariel...what have you done?" Snow White asked.

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