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Taehyun's pov

My paranoia didn't exactly disappear over time. I simply learned to deal with it. It had been a little over a week and a half since Y/N had gone randomly missing. The cops had no leads and neither did Nari and I. All I could think about was my sister somewhere that was probably dark, cold, gross. I didn't even want to think about who she might be with.

Each day was the same for me. I woke up way too early, unable to sleep with all the stress, then searched for my sister all alone with only a flashlight to guide me. I went to school directly after that, usually somewhat covered in dirt and scratches, and after school I would go looking again with Nari's help.

It felt hopeless. 

Jungwon's pov

I shouldn't have allowed Nari to make such a stupid decision. Of course, I really didn't have much of a choice since I didn't know what she had been up to. However, I suppose I should've been if she was doing things like this. Now, I was walking through the street late at night when not even the moon was out to guide me.

I shoved my hands in my pockets in order to keep my blood circulating. This whole situation could've happened at a more convenient time, like during the summer. My phone suddenly rang, causing me to nearly jump right out of my skin. I fumbled with it for a second before getting a grip and pressing the green button.

"What," I snarled into the phone. My voice came out scratchy as I hadn't used it in a decent amount of time. I cleared my throat while waiting for the voice on the other side to reply.

"Woah, woah, woah, what's up with you man? Actually, doesn't matter. Are you on your way yet? It's been hours since I texted you," the thickly accented voice questioned me. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see the action.

"I'm trying to get there. In case you didn't remember, I have a family that cares about where I am 24/7," I explained while swiftly dodging a patch of ice on the sidewalk. I was 99 percent sure I would've slipped and broken my nose if it wasn't for my dim flashlight.

"Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh. Bleh," the voice on the other side of the phone mocked me, "I need you here dude, it's been weeks since you visited."

"Well, I was kind of busy, you know. Had my sister to deal with since she decided to cause all this ruckus," I shrugged my shoulders and kicked a rock a decent way in front of me. Once I'd caught up with it, I kicked it once again. It was like a lonely game of soccer.

"Alright well, hurry up," and the call was cut. I shoved my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and continued to walk on the cold, lonely street.


I took my time arriving to the house. If you ended up in the right area, it would be easy to pick out among its surroundings. The boarded windows and several locks on the door made it stick out. Although, it was in a place that was secluded enough to stay hidden for a very long time.

I arrived at the front door and raised my fist to knock. More like bang on the door, otherwise it would never be opened. I never got the chance to do that though, because as soon as the entrance was opened, somebody was bumping straight into me.

"Dude, what was that," I started to complain but then stopped when I realized who I was face to terrified face with at that moment.

Y/N's pov

When we arrived back at the house from another one of our now frequent night time journeys, I couldn't help but realize the neglected locks on the front door. They were dangling open, practically begging me to do something. To leave, to try, anything. 

I watched them every chance I got for the next several hours. I wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed, but I knew I had spent the majority of it thinking about the door. My way to freedom. I was so glad that my brain was finally thinking straight. Since we weren't already outside, Jake would have a more difficult time grabbing me if I tried to leave.

I had the plan formed in my head. Jake would need to do something away from me for at least a little bit. He would leave me with one of his friends no doubt, but if I was lucky it would be either Sunoo or.. Sunoo. He would be the easiest one for me to fight off. Plus, he was fairly nice to me.

Jake walked away to take a phone call not too much later. I figured that was my time, and it would've been, but four of his friends were in the room at that point. There was absolutely no way I would be able to get through all of them. I sighed, deciding that my plan was foolish anyways and maybe I was just destined to stay with this creep forever until the day that I died. 

We all 'hung out' together for a while, if that's what you want to call it. The boys talked about whatever they felt like, laughing here and there. A passing thought told me that Jake had one of the cutest laughs I'd ever heard, but I quickly shot that down. I absolutely refused to lose focus of how much I despised these people.

Just then Jake checked his phone, seemingly looking at the time. He called to everybody to come upstairs, as he had something they needed to know. I was, of course, threatened beforehand so that I wouldn't try to run. I nodded absent mindedly and watched them all walk up the stairs together. 

My brain told me that this was a test, a trick, a trap, anything but an escape opportunity. I sat in the chair and counted to 25 and then made a run for it.

I stood up slowly, waiting for somebody to come ask me what I was doing, but it never happened. Once I confirmed that the coast was clear, I moved to the door as fast as humanly possible. I flung open the door, and began to my desired freedom.

The thought of freedom was quickly distinguished when I ran straight into somebody. 

"Dude, what was that," I heard while staring up in horror. There stood none other than my best friends brother.


Here is the long-awaited update for this story. I took me too long to write and that's my sisters fault, please blame her. Anyways I'm really liking how this story is progressing and I hope you are too. I know that most of it probably doesn't make sense but that's just because I have like 2 brain cells. Also Yoongi's album omg I'm actually levitating scrum diddly umptious. I didn't proofread this because I'm lazy and don't want to 🤪 so sorry for mistakes 

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