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Taehyun's pov

I woke up and squinted my eyes open slowly. The sun would've been blinding me had it not been partially blocked by the figure towering over me. I pushed myself into a sitting position and slowly rose to my feet from there.

"What are you doing sleeping on the ground, kid? You're going to get hurt, if not something worse," the person spoke to me. It took me a second to even register that I was being talked to.

"Huh? Oh, right. Yeah. Uhm, could you take me to the police station by any chance?" I questioned a bit randomly. It hadn't occurred to me in the store that I would have no way to tell the police which direction the little shed in the woods was.

"Which one? There are a few around here," the stranger asked. He was raising an eyebrow in confusion but didn't ask about my need to go there.

"Well, I guess whichever one. Probably one that's near that direction?" I pointed in the way that I was pretty sure I came from. I couldn't exactly remember. Anything that happened after the convenience store last night was just a blurred mess in my memory.

"Sure, I guess. What's your name?" The person continued to ask questions, except now he was starting to walk away and I followed him like a lost puppy.

"Taehyun. Kang Taehyun. Who are you?" I was walking next to the man now, instead of behind him. He wasn't much taller than me but he seemed to be older than me.

      "I'm Choi Yeonjun. Did you say Kang? Like the girl that went missing a few months ago? What was her name again?" Yeonjun looked up at the sky as he tried to recall her name. I looked down and kicked a pebble that happened to be in front of me.

      "Kang Y/N. She's my sister. I was trying to find her and then her crazy best friend locked me in a shed, that's why I need to go to the police," I admitted, "It's my fault she went missing. I was being annoying, sleeping in her room and all that."

      "I wouldn't say it's your fault. People don't get kidnapped when their brothers sleep in their rooms," Yeonjun laughed kind of and took a left turn. I followed, doing a little jog-skip to catch up as I'd fallen behind during my sob story.

      "Yeah well, she wouldn't have left the house if it wasn't for me," I grumbled. I didn't mean to sound so conplainy, but I was tired and I didn't know where I was and my leg still ached from where Nari had hit me.

      "People make their own decisions, Taehyun. If you got yourself kidnapped by trying to help her, I'd say that makes up for annoying her a little bit," Yeonjun shrugged and glanced at me for a second before returning his gaze to whatever was in front of him.

      "Yeah, I'd sure say so. But still, I'd do anything to have her back and it really sucks that I couldn't find her," I kicked my pebble to the side on accident and lost track of it. Heaving out a sigh, I looked up and saw that we were already nearing the police station.

      "Well here we are," Yeonjun stated, "I really hope you find your sister. Remember, it's not your fault and she'll be found before you know it."

       "Thanks," I gave a tight smile and walked into the police station.

      It took some explaining, but I somehow managed to get someone to follow me to where I was pretty sure I came from.

Nari's pov

      I was going to kill him, that was for sure. I couldn't believe that the little roach had managed to escape. Managed to fool me.

After being deceived so horribly by Taehyun, I'd simply gone back to Jake's place. I figured that nobody would believe him if he said that he'd been trapped in a shed for weeks. After all, that stuff only happens in movies.

"Nari, where have you been?" Jungwon instantly questioned me as soon as I walked into the house. His voiced was an angrily hushed whisper and he was glaring hard.

      "I told you, I went on a walk. I'm refreshed now and I'd like to go to sleep, if you don't mind," I attempted to walk past him but he blocked me.

      "Yeah? Mind explaining how your walk got you looking like this?" He pulled a small crumpled leaf out of my hair and held it in front of my eyes. It must've gotten stuck while I was attempting to catch Taehyun.

      "I fell into a bush. What's it to you, anyways? It's seriously none of your business what I do or where I go," I started to walk past Jungwon but he called my name.

      "You have to be careful. I know you didn't just choose to go for a little night walk. And that's fine, I don't really care where you go or what you do. But you're going to get us all into really big trouble," Jungwon crossed his arms and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

      "Jungwon, I'm being careful. You're paranoid. Don't forget, you're the one who got us into this mess with your stupid friends," I was halfway up the stairs now and was talking more to myself than Jungwon.

      "That's not even true. You wanted to take part in this because you think Heeseung is hot," I could hear Jungwon grumbling as he followed me upstairs.

      "That's not even true," I argued.

      "Yes it is," He argued back.

      "Nuh uh."

      "Yuh huh."

      "Nuh uh."

      "Yuh huh."

i listened to spongebob music while writing this chapter 😋 also i've been reading the shatter me series and it's literally so good im in love with it BUT im only on book 2 so no spoilers!! and this story is #1 on #kidnapped so thank you all so much for that!!! love you <3

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