
613 18 40

Jake's pov

I was surprised by what everyone told me, to say the least. It really shouldn't be surprising that Y/N-a kidnapping victim-tried to escape, but I thought I had gained her trust.

I reached the door and prepared to open it, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. If I flipped out completely, Y/N would pull back and I'd have to rebuild our relationship. That would be disastrous.

I pushed the door open and saw Y/N awake and picking at her fingers. She looked at me upon realizing my presence.

"Oh good, you're back. What were you guys talking about out there?" Y/N spoke as if she was afraid to be alone in the room.

"Y/N. We have to talk about something," I explained while walking towards the spot where she was sitting. I took the spot next to her as she watched me sit down.

"Talk? Why? I mean, uhm, sure?" It sounded like a question and she wouldn't meet my eyes anymore. Apparently the ceiling had suddenly become interesting.

"You know what this is about, don't you?" I nudged her shoulder. She shook her head with her eyes still glued to that one spot.

"Y/N. Look at me darling," I nudged her again. I didn't imagine having this talk with the back of her head.

Y/N shook her head again and I sighed. I stood up and sat on the other side of her, where she was looking. Her eyes widened and she made an attempt to move her head again.

"Don't. This talk is happening and it's not going to be between me and your hair," I was becoming frustrated at this point.

"Alright then. Let's... let's talk," Her voice was shaking, a dead giveaway that she knew what this was about.

"The guys called me out there so we could talk. You wanna guess what we talked about?" I gave her a final chance to just tell me herself but she wouldn't budge.

"We talked about you. Talked about how you tried to leave. Leave the house, all that we've given you. Tried to leave the guys. Tried to leave me." I did my best to not sound too angry. I wasn't trying to scare her, I just wanted an explanation.

"I-I didn't, I wouldn't. Why would I want to? That's...crazy. It's crazy," Y/N muttered the last part, bringing her legs up and hugging her knees.

"Don't lie to me Y/N. Jungwon told me. He literally saw you," I laughed but it was humorless.

"I'm sorry. Please, I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did it. I'm so grateful for you guys and for you and everything you've done," Y/N dropped her head and scooted away from me slightly.

"I knew you would admit it. That's my girl, yeah? Can't lie to save your life," I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her. She remained still for a few seconds before tucking her head onto my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," Y/N apologized continuously while shaking her head. I shushed her and let her know it was okay every time.

We sat like that for several minutes before I pulled away. Y/N's eyes were read, like she was holding back tears.

"But," I paused and looked at her, "I can't just let you get away with this. You might try to do it again." Y/N was looking me in the eye now.

"What? What are you talking about?" She looked confused, almost like she didn't hear what I said.

"You heard me darling. Come on, get up. Let's go," I stood up and held my hand out for Y/N to grab. She stood slowly and hesitantly took my hand.

      I led her out of the room and down one of the hallways. It was darker in this part of the house. It even looked a little scary to me.

      "Where are we going?" Y/N asked, her grip on my hand tightening.

       "Don't talk. You'll see in a minute," I continued to tug her along until we reached another door. I pushed it open to reveal a staircase.

      "Come on," I insisted when Y/N stayed where she was. She shook her head frantically.

      "Please, please, please don't put me down there. Jake please," She started begging while tearing up again.

      "What did I say about talking? Let's go," I yanked her hand and we started walking down the stairs. There was a dim light like in all of the cliche movie basements, which I flicked on.

      "Stand here. Don't move," I instructed, pointing at a spot on the ground. Y/N stood eighth where I told her to. Tears were running down her face at that point but I couldn't be bothered to care.

      I grabbed a rope from the shelf in the corner and walked back over to Y/N. She started to back away but stopped upon seeing my glare.

      "Hands," I demanded. Y/N put her hand behind her back and I tied them together. I pulled a chair out of seemingly nowhere and pointed to it.

      "Sit down," I said. Once Y/N had done so, I tied her feet to the chair.

      "Please Jake don't do this to me. I promise I won't do it again, please," she begged continuously. I ignored her and turned towards the stairs.

      "Don't bother trying to escape again. It'll be worse next time," I warned before leaving the basement, locking the door behind me.

I can't tell if I popped off with this chapter or if it's really cringy. I was gonna update sooner but then I was tired and then I had no ideas and blah blah but here it is 🥴 anyways i'm so excited for their concerts 🥺

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