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Y/N's pov

      It was dark in Jake's house. There was just enough light to get around without walking into every single piece of furniture I came across. The windows were all boarded up, seemingly so that I couldn't 'escape'.

       There was always somebody following me around. The only place I could go by myself was the bathroom, in which there weren't any windows at all and the light bulb was slowly dying. Again, this seemed to be so that I had no chance to leave the house. They even took turns watching me sleep, just in case.

       I'd never seen myself as claustrophobic until I was 100% trapped in that horrible place. There was no way for me to leave unless I wanted to suffer the consequences.

       The first time I came to this realization, I more or less had a panic attack. As I was sitting there spiraling with tears streaming down my face, Sunoo who had been following me at the time, called Jake over. He'd walked over to me and grabbed my chin between his thumb and index fingers.

      "I understand that this is scary for you, baby, but you really need to cooperate. If you start crying then I feel bad. I have no reason to feel bad do I?" He'd asked me. I was busy worrying so I nodded absently mindedly.

      "Exactly. So you should get it together and make things easier for the both of us." He'd left after saying that. Needless to say, I didn't 'get it together'. I continued to cry until I tired myself out.

Jake's pov

      Y/N was an interesting little girl. She would glare at us if we walked to close while monitoring her, or hit us if we tried to touch her at all. Nobody had tried to defy us before. I'd taken it as a challenge though, and that day when she was shaken up and crying, it was the perfect opportunity.

      I wouldn't say I did anything I shouldn't have. Sure, I made her agree with something that wasn't entirely true while she was in a delirious state, so what? I'm used to doing things that society thinks I shouldn't be doing.

       Apart from that, life seemed to get a lot better ever since Y/N showed up. I'd get to see her each morning, what with her usually being in the kitchen or living room. She was gorgeous, one of the prettiest we'd ever had. I got to have the occasional conversation with her as well. It was normally somewhat hostile and more of an argument, but at least I got to hear her voice.

      I adored Y/N and even though she'd only been with us for a day or two, I could easily admit she was my favorite out of everyone we'd ever had. In a way, she was perfect.

Taehyun's pov

       I was losing my mind. It had been two days of tedious searching for Y/N and she was nowhere to be found. The police had come up with nothing, but that didn't surprise me. They didn't seem to have their priorities straight, plus the local police force wasn't very big.

      Nari and I were doing all we could possibly do to find Y/N. We searched the woods until the sun set and we had to use our phones for light. We asked every person we saw and put flyers up, in addition to the ones the police had already spread around town.

       When I would get home from searching, my mom would look at me with her eyes full of hope and I would have to shut her down. Tears would fill her eyes as she embraced me and told me it was alright, that she was proud of me for trying my hardest.

        I wasn't sleeping at all anymore. My brain was too scattered to even try to relax and power down for the night. Instead, I came up with countless theories of where Y/N could possibly be. Sometimes, my brain would try and convince me that it was a joke. That Y/N was actually sitting in one of our closets, covering her mouth to stifle her giggles.

      The amount of times I had looked in the closets over the course of two days was unbelievable.

Nari's pov

       Helping Taehyun was getting really tiring. Everyday I would wake up at the crack of dawn, before the sun was even up, in order to get ready to go searching through the woods with him. It was tedious, trudging through the leaves that were still covered in a thinning layer of snow.

       It hurt too, watching Taehyun cry when the sun started to go down and Y/N was still absolutely nowhere to be found. He would cry and beg me to stay out just a little longer, that maybe we would find something and Y/N wouldn't have to suffer another night alone.

       I would stay with him, of course. I would stay and we would look until the last drop of sunlight was completely gone. Then we would turn on our phone flashlights and leave the woods. We were lucky that we hadn't gotten lost yet.

      My parents were concerned. They questioned me on where I had been and why I couldn't have come home before sundown. I explained to them that I was looking for Y/N and lost track of time.

      They had told me it was useless. Told me that they police were doing all they could, and two silly teenagers roaming the woods in the darkness of the night wouldn't be any help in the slightest.

       Despite their lack of support towards the search, Jungwon motivated me to keep going. He encouraged me, reminded me of why I was doing this in the first place

so here's a little character check in type thingy. I think it's fun when you get a little insight into the characters thoughts and feelings.
Also oh my god i'm so excited for &Teams debut jskvodosoxodoen. The teasers make it seem so good i actually can't wait.
p.s. stream Dreamers by Jungkook and get ready for Indigo by RM

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