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Y/N's pov

It felt like it had been years since i'd seen the outside world. Every time I thought of my family, I felt sick to my stomach. I felt horrible knowing that they were probably worried sick.

One particular day, I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I wasn't sure what time it was. Sunoo had been in the room, watching me just in case. When he saw me crying, he called Jake into the room immediately.

"Hey, hey, Y/N what's wrong? Come here baby." He hugged me close to him and rubbed my back. It wasn't exactly comforting, but it was better than sitting there and crying by myself. I gave in and wrapped my arms tightly around him, sobbing into his shoulder.

"It's alright, you're alright. I've got you baby." And that exact thing terrified me because he was right, he did have me.

"I'm sorry," I cried harder and spoke with a scratchy voice, "I'm sorry. Please let me go home. Please, please, please." I begged him. I felt his arms tightening around me and he sighed into my hair.

"I can't do that baby, you know that." He whispered it into my ear. It was taunting because, yes, of course I knew that he wouldn't just let me go. Nevertheless, I was losing my mind and would do just about anything to be set free.

I cried for longer than I can remember and when I finally stopped, I fell back asleep. Weather I was still in Jakes arms, I wasn't sure.

The morning after that, Sunoo woke me up to bring me downstairs. It was strange, they weren't starving me or trying to kill me, I was just kind of acting as their pet.

On the way downstairs, Sunoo spoke to me.

"Are you alright Y/N? I obviously saw you, uhm, crying last night." He asked awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry about me." I was embarrassed remembering the breakdown I'd previously had. Sunoo nodded and smiled at me. We reached the end of the steps and headed to the table.

"There you are. Good morning Y/N, come eat." Jake pulled out the chair next to him and motioned for me to sit down. I did as I was told. As soon as I was sitting, Jake dragged my chair closer to him.

"I hope you slept well after what happened last night." Jake commented and held a fork to my mouth with some food on it.

Some of the other guys looked at us questionably after that statement and I covered my reddening face with my hands.

"Not like that, you nasty weirdos," Jake glared and held the fork closer to my mouth, "eat baby." I opened my mouth and reluctantly accepted the bite.

"Nobody even said anything dude." Jay commented as he took the chair on the other side of me.

"You were making faces." Jake retorted.

"Yeah, dummy, we always make faces. We're born with them, after all."

"On a scale of 1-7 that was a -12 on the 'funny' meter."

"On a scale of 1-7 that was a -12 on the 'I don't care' meter."

Listening to the boys argue was entertaining, I could admit that, but I never laughed, for fear that they'd get mad and possibly hurt me if I did.

Breakfast carried on with Jake and Jay arguing and Jake feeding me at the same time. I stayed silent the whole time unless I had been specifically spoken to.

"Alright, baby, let's go. You need to get dressed for the day." Jake pulled me up out of my chair. I nodded and started up the stairs. I didn't see the point in getting dressed, if I'm being honest. I never went anywhere obviously.

In my head I knew it was just because Jake wanted to see me dressed nicely, but I refused to actually accept that as a reason. I did my best to convince myself that it was just because people should get dressed to feel awake for the day.

Jungwon's pov

This was getting tricky. My cover was very close to being blown, and Nari wasn't helping in the slightest. She was helping Taehyun, after all.

I just hoped I could really trust her with my secret. I would be in huge trouble if I trusted the wrong person.

ohhh my god INDIGO. and also &TEAM DEBUT. I can't believe all the new music we're getting 😩🫶
Also this story is getting more attention than I anticipated and i'm really trying to keep the updates coming, but I don't want to out chapters out if they're not high quality, yk?
Anyways this update was on the shorter side but I hope you liked it. Ily 💗

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