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Jungwon's pov

      "Nari you have to stop this. You're really no help at all, I don't even know why I ever told you." I grumbled at my sister. We were standing outside of the school waiting for classes to start for the day.

      "She's my best friend Jungwon. Of course I have to look for her." Nari crossed her arms and glared at me. I huffed and ran my hand through my hair.

      "Yeah? Well your searching is screwing up everything. Stop, you're so unhelpful." I emphasized the 'so' in my last sentence and walked away quickly. Classes were supposed to begin soon, anyways.

       School ended and everybody rushed out the doors as they usually did, me being one of them. Unfortunately, I had to wait for Nari before I could start heading home. She was the slowest walker on the entire planet and that was a fact.

       "Jungwon! There you are. You aren't waiting where you usually do." Nari jogged to my side and pointed out.

      "Yeah, there were too many people in the usual spot, so I stood here instead." I shrugged and faced the direction we would be walking in. I began to take long strides down the sidewalk. I wasn't really in a rush to get home, but I didn't want to be outside in the cold anymore.

       "So, how was I this morning?" Nari asked with a smile. She was speed walking to keep up with me, which i found very amusing.

      "Good. You were very convincing. I would've believed it." I smiled as the words left my mouth because they were true. She was super convincing and as of that moment, nobody had a single suspicion.

Y/N's pov

      Every day that I spent in that dark, creepy house was terrible, but this day in particular was really awful for me. Jake had woken me up at the earliest time he could, before the sun could even begin to rise.

      "Come on, we're going. Get dressed." Jake demanded as he yanked me up by my arm.

      "What?" I groaned, more than half asleep still.

      "I said we're going. Put this on." He handed me an outfit and pushed me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I hated that bathroom. It had no windows and one of the guys was always standing right outside the door to make sure I didn't run away. It smelled strongly of dirt and grass too, I had no idea why.

      I put on the outfit, as I was told to. It was strange, to say the least. There were jeans as usual, a tight long-sleeved black shirt, a black t-shirt to go over the long sleeve, a pair of sunglasses, and a black beanie.

      The strangest part was the sunglasses. It was the middle of the night, there was no sun to block.

       "Good, come on now." Jake grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers after I left the bathroom. He brought me down the stairs and to the front door.

       "Listen to me very carefully. If you try anything at all, so help me god, I will make you regret it until the day you die. Your days will be filled with pain and your nights with nightmares. Do you understand, darling?" He looked at me intensely, almost like a glare, and spoke in a hushed voice. I nodded silently, completely terrified by his threat.

       "Put this on." He handed me a mask and I put it on my face immediately. He put one on his own face and opened the front door, dragging me outside.

      It was crazy, seeing the stars for the first time in what felt like years. Having the breeze slap me in the face and the chill of the air send shivers down my spine. It was refreshing to me and I couldn't help but grin like a baby watching The Wiggles.

      "You like the view, baby? The stars look gorgeous tonight, like something else out here." Jake nudged my side while he spoke.

      And I laughed. I laughed at something a crazy psycho who kidnapped me said.

      "That laugh of yours is so beautiful. I hope I can hear it more often." Jake had began to walk with me down the sidewalk, swinging our still intertwined hands between us.

      It was crazy to me, how somebody could threaten my life one minute but make me feel like I was hanging out with my crush the next. It was really, really bad.

      And the worst part? I didn't have a single thought about trying to escape while I was already outside. I missed what might've been my only shot at freedom.

i told you guys i'd be back 🤪 i really have no excuse for why i was gone for almost two months
anyways Jake is just a crazy dude who wants to go on nice dates with a person who is exactly what he wants. Since he couldn't find that, he took Y/N 🤷🏼‍♀️

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