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When I woke up on Thursday morning, Y/N wasn't there. I thought nothing of it, deciding that she'd just woken up earlier and gone to eat breakfast already.

"Morning mom." I greeted once I'd made it downstairs and saw my mom in the kitchen. She was leaning against the counter looking somewhat distressed.

"Oh thank god you're awake. Taehyun, is your sister in her bed?" My mom asked while grabbing onto my shoulders.

"What? No, I thought she was down here. She isn't?" My mom shook her head.

"I went into her room earlier to get her for something but she wasn't there. I looked around the entire house and she's not here. I was hoping maybe she'd just gone out and come home already without me noticing." She sighed loudly at the end of her last sentence. Meanwhile my brain was moving at 800 miles an hour.

"Wait wait wait, she's not here? Are you sure?" I asked while looking around the kitchen like Y/N would've been there.

"No, she's not." My mom looked close to tears while talking.

"I'm sure she just went right to school. I'll probably see her there. She wouldn't run away and I doubt she's just missing." I tried to reassure my mom even though I didn't exactly believe what I was saying.

"Okay you're right. Yeah. That makes sense." My mom sighed and hugged me quickly.

"Alright, get ready for school. Go early, try and find your sister." She released me and I smiled at her before going to get my things for school.

I left early that day, just as she had said. I walked to the bus as fast as I possibly could. The ride to school seemed to be slower then it had been before.

"Alright (insert school name here) get off!" The bus driver called eventually. I stood up and practically ran from the bus. I was sure Y/N would be at the school but was also still panicking a bit.

       I glanced around the space near the entrance of the school and tried to find Y/N. But there were so many people and I was practically blind.

        Eventually, I resorted to calling her name instead. It was slightly embarrassing because people ended up looking at me strangely, but a little embarrassment was worth it if it meant I'd find my sister.

       "Yah, Taehyun." Somebody's hand was suddenly on my shoulder. I turned around, not immediately recognizing the voice. It turned out to be Nari looking at me with a concerned face.

       "Oh Nari, thank god. I'm so glad to see you." I sighed. Finding Nari meant that Y/N had to be somewhere nearby. Even if she wasn't, surely Nari would know where she was.

      "Well good morning to you too I guess. Why are you shouting Y/N's name like a madman?" Nari chuckled at me but I found this nowhere near funny.

       "Because I'm looking for her, obviously. She isn't with you?" I glanced behind Nari, in case Y/N was hiding to play a joke on me. Unfortunately, she wasn't there.

       "Clearly not. Why are you looking for her?" Nari seemed to be getting more and more suspicious of me every second. At this point, she'd raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

       "I just need to know where she is. Do you know where she went?" I asked. I was trying to keep calm but I was becoming more frantic with each passing second.

        "No? I haven't talked to her or seen her all day." Nari informed. I sighed loudly. Perfect. The one and only person that I thought could help turned out to be of no use.

       "Great. Well I'll see you around or whatever. Tell me if you see her!" I turned and walked away from Y/N's friend.

       Nari doesn't know where she is. Y/N is gone and nobody knows where she is. My thoughts were going haywire because even though she was obnoxious and horrible, I'd rather die than loose my sister.

       I was out of ideas. I had nobody else to ask about Y/N's location. The only thing I could do at that point was search the entire town.

       So that's exactly what I did.

      I spent the rest of the day running around town calling Y/N's name. I went to all of her favorite places that I knew about but she wasn't anywhere to be found.

      Eventually, I had no choice but to return home. It was starting to get dark and I still found not even a single trace of Y/N.

       "Oh Taehyun, there you are! Thank god, I thought I'd lost another child." My mom hugged me as soon as I walked through the door. I sighed and tossed my backpack onto the ground.

      "Why are you home so late? Do you know how worried your father and I were? First Y/N is gone and then you get home super late..." she started to ramble on and I interrupted her before she could continue for the next hour.

       "Mom, I spent all day looking for Y/N. I looked in every single part of town and she hasn't been anywhere. I even asked Nari, but she hasn't seen her either." I looked straight into my moms eyes while explaining the situation.

       "Wait wait wait, you weren't at school?" I was suddenly interrupted by my dad as he walked into the room.

      "Dad, your daughter is missing and you're worried about weather I was a school or not?" I tilted my head to the side and questioned him. He shrugged and I continued on with my story.

       "So anyways, I searched all day. I even looked in every single one of her favorite spots, and she's nowhere to be found." My mom was nodding eagerly, seemingly waiting for some sort of conclusion to my statement. The conclusion did come, but it obviously wasn't the one she had been hoping for.

      "Mom, call the police. Y/N is missing."

iM bAcK!!! No but seriously I'm sorry that my update schedule got messed up. I started school and I've been so tired these past like three days that I haven't been able to update. Anyways I hope you like this chapter and I apologize for any spelling mistakes.

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