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Taehyun's pov

"So, what's gonna happen is I'm going to hit you with this bat until you're knocked out. And you're going to be quiet so nobody finds out. Got it?" Nari crouched down to be closer to my face. She had on an evil grin that made me want to scurry away from her.

"No actually, I didn't get it. Mind repeating it but with a little more sanity?" I asked with a glare. In return, I got flicked in the eyeball.

"Geez, there's no need to make me blind before you nearly kill me," I scoffed and moved myself into a sitting position.

"Shut up! I'm done listening to your stupid voice. You sound just like Y/N, always complaining and acting like I'm such a problem," Nari rolled her eyes and adjusted her grip on the bat, rising to her feet.

"Don't say another word about my sister. I don't want her name coming out of your filthy rat snout," I was seething. Nari had known about Y/N's location this whole time.

I'd known that, of course, but when Nari talked about her it really hit me. She helped me search and she knew we wouldn't find Y/N. She comforted me and reassured me while planning to kidnap me as well.

I needed a plan. There was no way I was going to sit here and allow Nari to smack me in the head until I'm more dented than a metal water bottle that's been thrown across a school playground.

"Plus- wait, what was that," I started to speak but interrupted myself and raised my eyebrows.

"What was what? Stop trying to distract me," Nari glared and raised her bat.

"No! I'm serious, I really heard something. Like a rustling," I waved my hands around and tried to explain myself.

"Like for real? Do you think it was a person?" Nari backed towards the door and tried to peak through a crack in it.

"I don't know, could be," I faked a worried voice, thanking everything that Nari was so stupid.

"I swear to god, I put you in the 'haunted' shed for a reason..." Nari opened the door and stepped out. I could hear her yelling at the person that didn't even exist. Her footsteps started to move towards the side of the shed and I knew it was my only chance.

I rushed to my feet, ignoring the ache that came from my probably bruised shin. I dashed out the door, tripping and just barely catching myself.

"Hey! Kang Taehyun, get back here or I'll kill you for real!" I could hear the absolute rage in Nari's voice but I refused to look back. I stumbled over tree roots and ran into a few pricked bushes, but I couldn't even feel the pain. The fear of the murderer chasing me was way more terrifying than the small scrapes from the bushes.

I finally got out of the woods and onto a sidewalk, but I didn't stop running. I didn't stop until I got to some sort of convenience store. I rushed inside and stood there for a second, catching my breath. The cashier looked at me like I was crazy, so I smiled slightly and walked up to the register.

"Hi, Is there any chance you have a phone I could use?" I tried to control my breathing and wiped some dirt off of my face, but I was sure I looked crazy nevertheless.

"Uhh, I guess so. Are you... alright?" The lady responded hesitantly.

"I'm great, how are you?" She didn't respond that time, just handed me a phone that I could only assume was her personal cell phone.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me," I sighed and clutched my chest. I grabbed the phone out of her hand and opened the phone app. I dialed 911 and walked a bit away from the register to get some privacy.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator's voice came through all crackly, so I figured the service was bad wherever I currently was.

"Hi, my name is Kang Taehyun and I just ran away from my kidnapper," I tried to sound as calm and normal as possible, but running from a kidnapper isn't exactly normal.

"Okay, are you injured in any way?" I never understood how emergency service workers stayed so calm during calls.

"Uhhh," I glanced at my leg, which I had been limp-running on this whole time. "No, I'm fine," I lied. I didn't want them to send an ambulance. The most important thing to me at the moment was that they found Nari and found out where my sister was.

"Okay, do you know where you are?" The operator asked.

"How would I know where I am? I just got out of a shack in the woods, so unless you know any of those, you won't find me," I was starting to get annoyed. I just wanted the operator to ask who the kidnapper was.

"Alright, there's no need to freak out. Are you related to the kidnapper in any way? Do you know who it was?" The operator didn't even sound annoyed, I figured she dealt with people like me all the time.

"Yes I do. Her name is Yang Nari. She was my sister's best friend. My sister is also one of her victims, her name is Kang Y/N and she's been missing for over a month now," I frantically explained.

       "You said Yang Nari?" The operator questioned.

      "Correct." I confirmed.

      "And you're sure you don't know where you are?"

      "No, no, I don't. I'm in a convenience store and I just ran out of a shed."

      "Okay and do-" the operator cut off and I pulled the phone away from my ear with a confused face.

      I tapped the screen several times, but it didn't turn on. The battery must have died. I groaned and walked back to the cashier, handing it back to her.

      "Thank you so much. I'm sorry I used all of the battery," I mumbled and began to walk towards the door, not waiting for her response.

       Once I was back outside, I began walking in the direction that I assumed my house was in. I wondered if my parents had reported me missing. I'd only been gone for a couple of days, so it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't.

      I walked for as long as I could, dragging my injured leg behind me and shrinking in on myself whenever I had to pass somebody.

      After hours of walking, the pain and exhaustion caught up to me. I was in a decently large town, but it didn't look like one I'd ever seen before. I collapsed onto the ground in the space between two buildings and let my eyes fall shut.

Poor taehyun sleeping in a literal alleyway. also we're all gonna ignore the fact that I used the word scurry at the beginning of this chapter. 😋 also this story was at #1 on #enhypen (i think) for like two days so thank you all so much for that <333

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