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Y/N pov

      I wasn't keeping track of time. I didn't want to know how long i'd been trapped in a dark, dirty basement. One of the guys would come down once a day to feed me. However, it was always small things. An apple, a piece of bread- toasted if i was lucky-, a single piece of friend chicken.

      Jake never came down. Not to check on me, not to make sure I was alive, not even to bring me my daily meal. I wasn't sure why, but I felt bad. I felt guilty for trying to escape. Most of all, I missed him. As strange as it is to miss your kidnapper, I did.

      I missed the way he held my hand and smiled at me. The way he said my name. The way he would comfort me when I was upset. I cried alone in that basement. I cried every day while waiting for Jake to come back and tell me that's it's going to be alright and he's sorry for locking me down here for so long.

       But it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

       A knock at the basement door startled me out of my thoughts. That meant it was Sunoo at the door. He always knocks, even though I would never not let him in.

      "Y/N! I brought you something special today," His smile was brighter than usual and I perked up at the word special. Nothing felt special when you're trapped in a basement.

      "Ta-da!" He pulled his hands out from behind his back to reveal a plate of waffles. My eyes widened. I hadn't had anything even close to a real meal for a while.

      "We had breakfast for dinner. They made you a piece of toast that I was supposed to bring but I exchanged it for this when they weren't watching," The smile on his face hadn't dimmed and he even giggled while explaining his plan.

      I was so grateful that I burst into tears on the spot. Sunoo frowned and place the plate on the floor. He moved closer and hugged me.

      "I'm sorry. Do you not like syrup? I can get you one without syrup," I actually burst into a fit of laughter at that. I must've looked crazy, with tears streaming down my face as i giggled like a madman.

      "So it's not the syrup, I'm assuming?" Sunoo raised an eyebrow and I shook my head. The laughter had died down and I was just sitting there sniffling quietly.

      "Well, you should eat. And then, you can tell me what's wrong," Sunoo retrieved the plate and began to feed me. This wasn't a surprise. Everyone had to feed me because my hands were tied.

      I ate that waffle like it was my last meal. Who knows, it could've been. I finished it faster than you can say 'help i'm trapped in a basement.'

      "So, do you want to talk now?" Sunoo was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, looking up at me expectantly.

      "Yeah, sure," I began, "It's just that, well, i've been in this basement for god knows how long. I'm being fed scraps, and worst of all, i haven't seen the person that put me here in weeks."

      "Okay well it hasn't been weeks. It's been one week. Six days to be precise," Sunoo held up six fingers to make sure I got it, "I know Jake wants to see you. He wants to come down here and hug you and untie you and bring you back upstairs."

      "Then why doesn't he? I think a week in the basement has certainly taught me my lesson. I haven't even tried to escape from down here," I was begging at that point. It was humiliating, but I would do anything to get out of there.

      "Listen Y/N. If Jake comes to get you before he completely cools down from being angry, he's gonna do something he'll regret. He knows, I know it, we all know it. It might not seem like it, but he's trying to keep you as safe as possible," Sunoo concluded. I didn't notice my mouth fall open in shock, but apparently it had done so.

      "What do you think he'd do if he came down before he's ready," I asked hesitantly, not sure if I really wanted to know.

      "Let's just say there's a reason you're the only kidnapping victim in this house right now," Sunoo's face became dark and stood up to leave.

      "Wait! Are you saying they're..." I didn't want to finish the sentence, knowing that it could possibly happen to me next.

      "Don't get me wrong Jake didn't, you know, remove them from existence. He just made sure nobody would find them again. But he really likes you, Y/N. He doesn't want to have to lose you," With that Sunoo walked up the stairs and closed the door. I heard the lock click and sank down into my chair.

      I had a lot to think about. Of course there were people before me. If I was Jakes first victim, he would've been caught by now. Amateurs don't get away with kidnapping. I thought about how long I'd been in the house with all the guys. A month, maybe 3 weeks?

      Thinking about the time I'd spent there made my thoughts wander to my family. I wondered if they had filed a report, if they were looking for me. If so, they clearly weren't doing a good job.

      I closed my eyes and began to cry again. It seemed like all I did those days was cry. Not that there's much else to do when you're locked in a basement all alone.

Hi everybodyyy 🤪 I think this chapter is the perfect mix of filler but also important info. School starts on the 30th for me and i'm half excited half not. I'll try to be better at updating this school year than I was last year 😬 Also stream Rainy Days and Love Me Again by V 😙

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