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Y/N's pov

"Nari I want you to look me in the eye and say what you're trying to tell me," I looked her dead in the eye and she glanced at the wall next to her.

"Listen Y/N, I'm really not trying to make you angry. But Taehyun..." Nari started while looking kind of over my shoulder, not directly at me.

"Y/N! Are you coming? I've been waiting for you for a while now," Jake walked up to me from behind and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah I'm coming... I can't spend anymore time with this traitorous liar." I held his hand tighter and we headed towards the front door.

"So what were you two talking about? Nari looked really," He was cut off by a sudden shout from the living room.

"Don't forget to buy two boxes of cereal because some people need a whole box for themself!" Ni-Ki'd voice echoed through the house. I laughed slightly and Jake rolled his eyes.

"We won't!" He screamed back and then proceeded with opening the front door.

"Anyways, back to what we were talking about," he nudged my side as we began walking down the sidewalk.

"Yeah Nari was just trying to tell me something but I've learned that I can't trust her. I'm glad you saved me from her," I smiled and leaned into him.

"I'd save you from everything if I could. What was she trying to tell you?" Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulders and looked up at the night sky.

"She was gonna say something about Taehyun. I'm not sure what. Maybe she was gonna tell me he's dead." I laughed bitterly but Jake didn't make a sound.

"Even if he is dead, I don't want to know," I said in a hushed voice, almost like a whisper, "I'd rather live in blissful unawareness."

Jake made a humming sound and we walked quietly for several minutes. I kicked a pebble down the road as I walked until Jake stuck his foot out to block mine.

"Y/N, what's on your mind?" He asked. He was still looking at the sky and I followed his gaze upwards.

"I don't know. My life would be so different if I wasn't here with you. It would be normal, but is that really what I want?" I wondered aloud. Jake looked at me for the first time during our walk with a look of curiosity.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, normal was fine and stuff. I liked it enough, I guess. I had my family and my best friend at the time. But my life now is so much more interesting." I shrugged and realized that I was walking alone now. I looked behind me to see Jake with his arms outstretched.

"What's this for?" I asked as I walked back towards him and fell into his arms.

"I just can't believe that I'm so lucky. Most people would resent me for what I did. They'd probably be running right now as a matter of fact. But you're here in my arms and you're grateful that I changed your life." Jake buried his face into my hair and talking and I wrapped my arms around him a little tighter.

"That's because you changed it for the better. I'm happier now, getting your love and affection. I have more friends now that I met the guys than I did when I was in school. Everything about you has made my life better." I smiled and pulled away from our hug.

"This is why you're the best, Y/N. I love you." Jake whispered and kissed my forehead. My cheeks heated up and I was sure I was the shade of a tomato at that moment.

      "You're so cute, darling. My little Y/N." He grabbed my hair and we started walking again.  I had nearly forgotten that we were actually trying to go somewhere, not just hang out with each other under the stars.

      "Come on, there's a really cool shortcut to the convenience store." Jake started to run and kind of dragged me along with him. Before I knew it, I was giggling and we were running into the woods.

      "Are you sure this is even a path?" I tried to sound sarcastic but I couldn't stop laughing.

      "Y/N, when have I ever been wrong about anything ever?" Jake smiled while looking back at me. I returned his smile and continued walking behind him.

       "I'm not sure, I haven't known you for forever." I pointed out. Suddenly Jake shushed me and I looked at him in confusion.

       "There's a really creepy cabin coming up. There's a legend that an old witch lives in it and if she catches you, she'll curse you. That's why there's no path, cuz most people are too scared to take this short cut." Jake explained in a whisper as he stepped over sticks and avoided as many leaves as possible.

      As the cabin came into view, I realized that it was more of a shack. There was no way a witch was living in there.

       "Jake, that's crazy. Witches aren't re-" I was about to finish my statement when we heard a banging noise from inside the little cabin.

      "Oh my god, it's real. Go, go, go, go!" We ran through the woods as fast as we possibly could and popped out on the on a sidewalk right in front of the convenience store.

      "So, uh, yeah. That's the shortcut!" Jake smiled and led me into the store.

      We walked out 20 minutes later holding two bags full of everything that everyone had requested.

      "I don't think we should take the shortcut this time." Jake suggested and I nearly cackled at him.

      "Well, obviously. We'd be crazy to- oh my god, Jake!" I suddenly stopped walked and groaned loudly.

      "Y/N? What happened darling, did you get hurt?" He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly concerned.

      "No, we forgot to get cereal!!"

Taehyun's pov

       I heard somebody outside tonight. I had banged the walls as loudly as I could, hoping to get their attention. Unfortunately, it seemed like I was doomed to spend eternity in here.

merry christmas everyone!! i think i might do another chapter tonight as an extra little gift for you hehe. also i wasn't going to add in the part about taehyun but i thought people might not get that the "witch cabin" was where he was locked. don't be surprised if i upload another chapter at like 1 am 😭 p.s. tysm for 10k reads ily all so so much <333


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