I got you

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Akio reached between Todoroki and Murayama, a smirk spread across her face as she sees the annoyed expression Todoroki had

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Akio reached between Todoroki and Murayama, a smirk spread across her face as she sees the annoyed expression Todoroki had.

The boys looked between each other wondering if she was being serious. They've only seen her fighting skills a couple of times and they didn't seem that impressive, as her small stature made it easy for her to be pinned down in the right position.

"Akio are you sure?" Murayama asked looking at her in amusement. She simply nodded her head as she looked over at Todoroki for his opinion on the matter.

"Oh you can't be serious about this Murayama, I'm not fighting some little girl !" He yelled getting more annoyed by the minute.
"Nah I think you should." He calmly replied leaning back getting ready for the show.

"Yeah and watch the little girl beat your ass." Akio smirked watching doki loss his sanity,
"Uugghhhhh fine, get over here so we can end this quickly" he says putting his glasses in his pocket getting ready.

Akio looked over to Murayama who simply nodded and gestured her to fight. Akio pulled her jacket off, revealing her arms covered in tattoos, some of the men looked in amazement on how much ink she had. She placed her jacket with Furuya, who took a tight hold of it and nodded that he would keep it safe.

"Alright you ready anime boy" Akio taunted as she held her fits up,
"Shut it!" He yelled as he took the first swing, barely missing her face, she returned this with a punch to his stomach causing him to stumble back a little. But he recalled back with a kick to her side, pushing her way to the floor.

As she slides down she rolls back up into a fighting stance, looking up at Todoroki with a death stare before bolting up and jumping to land a punch directly to his face.

This cause him to fall down for second before swiftly grabbing her ankle, and pulling her down to the ground with him. After a little while longer of wrestling on the ground throwing punch's at one and other, Trodoroki started to notice that Akio was getting more aggressive and the expression on her went from amused to hurt. He knew something wasn't right, he knew there was something eating at her and she was letting it out right now, right this moment.

He let it go on for a little while longer before noticing her tiered eyes started to tear up just a little. And her teeth clench as the feeling of pain and anger left her body, one punch after another.

Soon all Akio could see was a blur, her fist went numb and her hearing went silent. A rage was leaving her lungs, echoing through the gym like a war cry. But soon it came to an end, a figure had grabbed her from behind wrapping his arms around her waist lifting her off Todoroki.
The man laid lifeless on the ground taking the beating as he knew there was no fight, only pain and suffering being let out...

"PRINCES, Princes calm down!" Murayama yells trying to get her attention as she continues to through her fits and legs into the air. Tears where down her face and the furry she held was still raging from her lungs like if no one could hear her.

One of Murayama's goons took Akio from him so he could face her.
"Hey! Snap out of it! Hey look at me, it's okay princess....it's okay"
His hands held her face wiping each tear as it fell down, Akio looked at him pleading eyes as if begging for him to take her pain away.

"I don't know what has happened to you, but I do know you are not alone okay?!" Todoroki yelled as he lifted himself up and made his way over after realising she was still trying to put a fight. As if she was fighting some demon that stood before her, and he knew that demon oh to well. The demon of fear and sadness had latched into her for so long and now she's finally fighting back, and he knew she would win as long as she knew that too.

"So hold your tears for some who is worth them, and those demons aren't are they?"
She let out one last yell before dropping down in defeat. No more tears flowed but her body shook and soon gave out, falling down on the cold floor giving her sense of calm.

"Help me...." Those words whispered out as her eyes closed and her body relax against the ground. Those words had never left her mouth, she would never admit help not from her family, friends and especially not some strangers from a fucked up school. But there she did, as if she was on her final life line and has finally gave up. The thought of that gang coming back made her realise it would never end, it would only end with her and her mother together again.

She couldn't believe she got so weak, the thought that she even let her emotions take over left a bad taste in her mouth. The darkness kept her locked away for years and when she finally got out she let herself get sucked in so quickly, the hope she has left vanished.


And there she laid, one head on Murayama's lap while her feet on Todoroki's. The boys stayed in silence as they wait for the tired girl to wake from long awaited slumber.

"What do you think happened?"
"That's none of our business, if she wishes to tell she will, if not then we say nothing"
Murayama nodded to his response not admitting he was right.

"Hey we got here as fast as we could, what happened?!" Fujio and the rest of his Oya gang show looking in worry seeing the tired girl in peace.
"She okay Fujio, she's just taking a sleep, and by the looks of what happened she needed it" doki said trying to calm the man front of him.

"Wait what happened?" Kiyoshi asked looking confused at the whole situation.
The pair looked between each other before agreeing to explain, they went on about how the fight started and how Akio got to where she got to.
"Her eyes just started to tear up and her hits got more aggressive, not in a way by her strength but by her pain, at one point she stated to yell like she got stabbed by hundred knives all at once. I couldn't see her anymore all there was, was pain and suffering as if she was screaming for help but didn't want to admit it. Once she stoped I told her not to waste her tears on people who aren't worth them, she then let out one last cry before going completely silent."

"Her body shook like it was about to explode it anyone touched her, and then she finally gave out and passed out on the floor. Me and Todoroki picked her up and took her outside so she could get some air."  The boys stood there in silence, not completely sure weather to believe them or not. How could this girl that they knew to be strong, stubborn and fearless could fall so far.

"Get down" Fujio chimed in,
Leaning down on his knees.
"What, why?"
"Because we have all looked down on her and now she is broken and need us to help lift her up so place yourself down on this ground and show your respect!" He said in a serious tone, soon they all dropped down in front of the broken girl. 
They all stayed together in the same stance, as an hour goes by they hear movement coming from the girl who laid before them.

"Well so this is what it must feel like to be a god." Comes out a croaked voice, as she lifted her head up.
"Akio!" Fujio leaped forward and pulled her into a tight hug.
"I got you, I got you okay?" He repeats as she relaxed into his touch.



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